Conference Information
U-Media 2016: International Conference on Ubi-media Computing
Submission Date:
2016-03-20 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Moscow, Russia
Viewed: 15752   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Events in the cyberspace can be modeled as a spatiotemporal continuity populated by computing devices, communication channels, and multimodal interactions. Contemporary ubiquitous devices unleash the boundary of one-to-one human-computer interaction. E.g., it has become a de facto style of facilitating social events that participants use several distributed devices through multimodal interaction. How people access multimodal media in different context is an interesting yet challenging problem. Ubi-media Computing, as it is bravely defined, brings together technologies for location/context adaptation, inter-device interaction/reaction, and media/data communication.

In line with the blooming technologies realizing the above concepts, this international conference looks at the state-of-the-art and original research issues to be published in the proceedings. New contributions include three perspectives: devices that realize ubiquitous computing, multimodal interactions between human and these ubiquitous devices, and the need of adaptive multimedia.

The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE, with best papers recommended for publication in special issues of international journals. Topics of interests include but not limit to the following:

    Ubi-Media Infrastructure/System

    Wireless and mobile networking for ubiquitous multimedia Mobility computing systems , Peer-to-peer networking Network architectures, protocols, and algorithms Ad hoc and sensor network, Cross-layer design Advanced communication techniques, Smart objects Cognitive computing in Ubi-Media Systems

    Ubi-Media Middleware & Tools

    Adaptive, autonomic and context-aware computing Cross-network media server, Computational intelligences Semantic web and knowledge grid, Content protection Privacy & security in ubiquitous environments Agent technologies, Human-computer interaction Programming models for Ubi-Media, Knowledge representation and ontology

    Ubi-Media Services and Managements

    Service provisioning for ubiquitous multimedia Quality of service, Resource sharing and service discovery Location-based services, Context-aware services Tracking in ubiquitous environments, Operating system support Data replication, migration and dissemination for ubiquitous multimedia
    Ubi-Media Applications
    Ubi-media for education / commerce, Ubi-media for entertainment / games 
    Ubi-media for medical / health care, Ubi-media for smart home / smart city 
    Ubi-media for citizens and E-government, Ubi-media for intelligent mobility
    Ubi-media for environmental protection, Ubi-media for public safety and security 


Do not exceed 6 single-space double column, 8.5 x 11-inch pages (including figures, tables and references) in 11 point Times Roman or similar font. Number each page. Include an abstract, five to ten keywords, the technical area(s) most relevant to your paper, and the corresponding author's e-mail address. Submissions should represent original, substantive research results. We will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published (or accepted) for publication in another conference or journal. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-03-05
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