Conference Information
JSAI 2019: Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
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Niigata, Japan
Viewed: 8974   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
At this conference in 2019, we plan new international sessions for presentations in English. Papers in artificial intelligence and the related fields, and papers on case reports and presentations in English are received and reviewed. In addition to oral presentations, we also set up a place for interactive presentations with posters. These will be sessions consisting only of English papers and English presentations (topics below).

Method of application

At the time of submission, please select the relevant category below and further specify the keyword that shows below (note: the keywords may be added by 31 December 2018). Select one to five of the applicable categories and keywords from the list.

Please include (1) the objective and (2) the outline of your conclusions of results in the abstract under the author information. Also please state the outline of your method as necessary in the abstract. Submissions without any description about (1) or (2) in the abstract may not be considered for presentation or publication.

Categories of Topics and keywords for International Sessions

E-1. Knowledge Engineering
Logics, inference, knowledge representation, knowledge use/reuse, knowledge sharing, knowledge base, ontology, expert systems, knowledge management, data engineering

E-2. Machine learning
Classification,clustering, reinforcement learning, regression, attribute selection, knowledge acquisition, graphical models, causality analysis,deep learning, etc.

E-3. Agents
Human agent interaction, agent design, mechanism design, multi-agent systems, autonomous agents, cooperative problem solving, automated negotiations, agent-based simulation, auction, crowd computing, collective intelligence, etc.

E-4. Robots and real worlds
Intelligent robots, knowledge processing of robots, human-robot interaction, environment recognition, position estimation, sensor network, robotics and automation, etc.

E-5. Human interface, education aid
Intelligent interface, human-computer interaction, virtual/augmented reality, intelligent learning aid, e-learning, learning analytics and educational data mining, user/learner modeling, communication aid, design aid, HAI, Shikakeology, etc.
Period of application

January 15 (Tuesday) 2019 to 2 pm on February 8 (Friday) 2019, JST

※ The deadline is punctual. In the past, the application period was often extended, but please note that it will not be this year.

Requirement of the submission

The research papers and case reports of artificial intelligence and the related fields shown in the categories listed below. The acceptable language for the international session is English only.

Restriction on the number of applications

An applicant can submit and make at most one presentation at the conference as a whole. One cannot make both of an interactive presentation with a poster and a presentation in the international oral session by the same presenter.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-10-22
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