Conference Information
CNML 2021: International Conference on Networking and Machine Learning Date: |
2021-07-15 Extended |
Notification Date: |
2021-07-20 |
Conference Date: |
2021-07-23 |
Location: |
Guilin, China |
Viewed: 10943 Tracked: 3 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
2021年网络和机器学习国际会议(CNML 2021)-EI & Scopus 2021 International Conference on Networking and Machine Learning (CNML 2021) 会议地点:中国桂林 会议时间:7月23-25日, 2021 会议官网: CNML 2021将于2021年7月23-25日期间在中国桂林举行。CNML 2021致力于解决网络和机器学习及其应用领域的挑战,展示与这些主题相关的最新科研成果。CNML2021期待汇聚来自学术界和产业界的研究人员和从业人员,聚焦相关议题,并在这些领域建立新的合作。 大会主题包括但不限于: 基于AI/ML的智能网络;绿色网络技术和原理的应用;架构、算法和协议;社交网络的大数据分析等,更多主题请见官网 被录用的文章将被收录在会议论文集里,由Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)出版,并被Ei Compendex, Scopus, CPCI, INSPEC,ISI Thomson's Scientific and Technical Proceedings等数据库检索 。 专家演讲: Saman Halgamuge教授, 澳大利亚墨尔本大学,IEEE院士, 电气、机械和基础设施工程学院教授 吴大鹏 教授,美国佛罗里达大学、IEEE院士, 担任IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering的主编。。 Yaroslav D. Sergeyev教授, 意大利卡拉布里亚大学, 国际全球优化学会主席, 数学微积分实验室主任 Chia-Feng Juang, 特聘教授,IEEE院士, 国立中兴大学 Alexandra Cristea教授, 计算机科学系副主任, 英国华威大学(FBCS、FHEA、SMIEEE) Andrew Keong Ng副教授, 新加坡理工学院, (CEng, SMIEEE, Sr. MIES, MIET, AMIRSE) 投稿 (请仅选择一种方式投稿): 1. 在线投稿系统: 2. 直接将您的文章或摘要投到会议邮箱,我们收到后会第一时间回复您。 3. 仅接受全英文稿件。 4. 不接受一稿多投。作者需通过Cnki, CrossCheck, Turnitin或其他查询系统查重,涉嫌抄袭的论文将不被接受。 有任何问题欢迎咨询: 会议官网: 邮箱 QQ:2026510645 微信号:conf-consultant 2021 International Conference on Networking and Machine Learning (CNML2 2021) --EI Compendex, Scopus Guilin, China | July 23-25, 2021 ◆Call For Papers: AI/ML-based smart networking Applications of green networking technologies and principles Architectures, algorithms, and protocols Big data analytics for social networks More Topics, please visit : ◆Conference info: Welcome to join in the 2021 International Conference on Networking and Machine Learning (CNML 2021), which will be held in Guilin, China during July 23-25, 2021. CNML 2021 is technically supported by University of Calabria, National Chiao Tung University, Southern University of Science and Technology and so on. ◆Publication: All registered and presented papers will be published in the volume of conference proceeding, published by Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, Conference Proceedings Citation Index—Science (CPCI-S), Chemical Abstracts Service and other related databases. ◆Submission Method (Full paper / Abstract): Electronic Submission System: If you have any question about submission, feel free to contact us: More Details about submission, please visit: ◆Speakers of CNML 2021: 1. Prof. Saman Halgamuge, The University of Melbourne, Australia (Fellow IEEE) Prof Saman Halgamuge is a Fellow of IEEE, a Professor in the School of Electrical, Mechanical and Infrastructure Engineering and a Distinguished Speaker/Lecturer on Computational Intelligence (2019-2021). 2. Prof. Dapeng Oliver Wu, University of Florida, USA (Fellow IEEE) He is a professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. His research interests are in the areas of networking, communications, signal processing, computer vision, machine learning, smart grid, and information and network security. 3. Distinguished Prof. Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, University of Calabria, Italy He is the President of the International Society of Global Optimization and Head of Numerical Calculus Laboratory 4. Distinguished Prof. Chia-Feng Juang, IEEE Fellow, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan He served as the Chapter Chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence, Taipei Chapter, in 2017-2018, during which the chapter won the Outstanding Chapter Award from IEEE Taipei Session. 5. Prof. Alexandra Cristea, Deputy Head at the Computer Science Department, Warwick University, UK (FBCS, FHEA, SMIEEE) Alexandra I. Cristea is Professor, Head of the Innovative Computing research group and Deputy Head at the Computer Science Department, Advisory Board Member at the Ustinov College, Durham University. 6. Assoc. Prof. Andrew Keong Ng, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore, (CEng, SMIEEE, Sr. MIES, MIET, AMIRSE) Dr. Andrew Ng is an Associate Professor with Singapore Institute of Technology. He is the Deputy Programme Director of the BEng (Honours) and MEngTech programmes in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land), which focus on railway engineering and total preventive maintenance. ◆Conference Schedule July 23rd, 2021: Participants Registration and Conference Kits Collection July 24th, 2021: Keynote Speeches, Oral & Poster Sessions July 25th, 2021: Lab Tour/Academic visit (pending) ◆Contact us Ms. Fiona Liu Tel: +852 68742737 Email:
Last updated by Cassie Lin in 2021-07-01
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