Journal Information
IET Computer Vision (IET-CVI)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
IET Computer Vision welcomes submissions on the following topics:

    Biologically and perceptually motivated approaches to low level vision (feature detection, etc.);
    Perceptual grouping and organisation
    Representation, analysis and matching of 2D and 3D shape
    Object recognition
    Image understanding
    Learning with visual inputs
    Motion analysis and object tracking
    Multiview scene analysis
    Cognitive approaches in low, mid and high level vision
    Control in visual systems
    Colour, reflectance and light
    Statistical and probabilistic models
    Face and gesture
    Biometrics and security
    Vehicle guidance
    Automatic model aquisition
    Medical image analysis and understanding
    Aerial scene analysis and remote sensing
    Deep learning models in computer vision 

High-quality research articles reporting novel methodologies and significant results of interest are welcome.

Manuscripts submitted are expected to include a detailed and analytical review of the literature and state-of-the-art exposition of the original proposed research and its methodology, its thorough experimental evaluation, and last but not least, comparative evaluation against relevant and state-of-the-art methods. Submissions not abiding by these minimum requirements may be returned to authors without being sent to review. Articles dealing with low-level aspects of image analysis should be submitted to an Image Processing journal. In IET-CVI, we aim to cover mid to high level range of image and video analysis and understanding articles. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-14
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