Conference Information
ICCSCI 2021: International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence
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Call For Papers
Papers related to this conference theme are divided into 7 tracks, but not limited to the following technical areas, are invited:

1. Intelligent System and Machine Vision

    Agents and Multi Agents System
    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    Expert System
    Fuzzy Logic
    Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Algorithm
    Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    Support Vector Machine
    Swarm Intelligence
    Biomedical Engineering
    Image Processing
    Pattern Recognition
    Signal Processing
    Computer Vision

2. Software Engineering, Information Security and Networks

    Compilers and Interpreters
    Computer Architecture & VLSI
    Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
    Computer Security
    Data Communication
    Data Compression
    Data Encryption
    Digital System and Logic Design
    Distributed and Parallel Processing
    Distributed Systems
    Internet and Web Applications
    Mobile Computing
    Security & Cryptography
    Software Engineering
    Wireless Communication
    Anonymity and privacy
    Digital forensics
    Security management and policies
    Hardware and physical security
    Block chain Technology

3. Big Data and Information Technology

    Computer Based Education
    Database Systems
    E-commerce and E-governance
    Information Engineering
    Data mining
    Decision Support System
    Social Media Analytic
    Data visualization
    Cloud computing platforms
    Distributed file systems and databases
    Big data technologies
    Data capture and storage
    Geographic information system (GIS)
    Remote Sensing

4. Foundations of Computing and Theoretical Computer Science

    Algebra and its application in Computer Science
    Graph Theory and its application
    Mathematical modelling
    Operations research and Optimization
    Regression Analysis
    Spatial Analysis
    Statistical computing and application
    Numerical methods
    Simulation and Stochastic Processes
    Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Computational Geometry
    Bayesian Approach

5. Computational Linguistic and Audio Processing

    Text Mining
    Language Resources
    Information Retrieval
    Information Extraction
    Machine Translation
    Sentiment Analysis Semantics
    Syntactic Parser
    Question Answering
    Speech Recognition
    Music and Audio processing
    Music and Art Generation with Machine Intelligence
    Music Information Retrieval
    Mathematical Linguistics
    NLP Applications
    Social Bot

6. Internet of Thing and Robotics

    Android Robots
    Robot Vision
    Automation and Its Applications
    Smart Home and Smart City
    Wearable devices
    Robot Intelligence
    Social Robotics
    Swarm Robots
    Smart Environment and tangible Interaction
    Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and Embedded devices

7. Multimedia, Game Development and Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality
    Human Computer Interaction
    Computer game methodology, design, and development
    User Interface and User Experience
    Augmented Reality
    Multimedia tools and Application
    Computer Graphics
    Computer Animation
    Serious Game
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-09-04
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bIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation14.30IEEE1089-778X
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bThe Computer Journal1.500Oxford University Press0010-4620