Conference Information
ICMLT 2025: International Conference on Machine Learning Technologies
Submission Date:
2025-03-05 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Helsinki, Finland
Viewed: 17689   Tracked: 19   Attend: 5

Call For Papers
Accepted technical papers will be published in the proceedings with an assigned ISBN number. You are invited to submit papers in all areas of Internet infrastructures, services, technologies, and applications for Machine Learning Technologies.
Topics of Interest

We encourage submissions of high-quality research papers on the general areas of Machine Learning Technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

Adaptive systems
Business intelligence
Data and web mining
Intelligent agent
Financial engineering
Inductive learning
Pattern Recognition
Intelligent control
Media computing
Neural net and support vector machine
Hybrid and nonlinear system
Fuzzy set theory, fuzzy control and system
Knowledge management
Information retrieval
Intelligent and knowledge based system
Rough and fuzzy rough set
Networking and information security
Evolutionary computation
Ensemble method
Information fusion
Visual information processing
Computational life science
Last updated by Dunn Carl in 2025-02-14
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