Conference Information
Eurocrypt 2025: International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Madrid, Spain
CCF: a   CORE: a*   QUALIS: a1   Viewed: 64481   Tracked: 70   Attend: 3

Call For Papers
General information

Eurocrypt 2025, the 44th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, will take place in Madrid, Spain on May 4-8, 2025. Eurocrypt 2025 is organized by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). The proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.

Original research papers are welcomed on any cryptographic topic, including but not limited to:

    foundational theory and mathematics
    the design, proposal, and analysis of cryptographic primitives and protocols
    secure implementation and optimization in hardware or software
    applied aspects of cryptography

Authors of accepted papers are asked to present their work in person at the conference.


Submissions must be at most 27 pages using the Springer LNCS format, including title page and figures, but excluding references. Optionally, any amount of clearly marked supplementary material may be supplied, following after the main body of the paper. However, reviewers are not required to read or review beyond the main body, and submissions are expected to be intelligible, and show sufficient scientific quality and depth, without the supplementary material.

The above in particular means that submissions are expected to present the core technical part of the result(s) in the main body. Thus, the main body should allow the reader to understand and verify what is at the heart of the contribution, conceptually and technically; the supplementary material should be used mainly for tying up the loose ends, spelling out the less innovative parts, providing extensions/generalizations, etc.

The final published version of an accepted paper will be limited to 30 pages including references and is expected to closely match the submission. For further details, consult the paper submission page.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-10
Acceptance Ratio
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