Journal Information
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
The Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming is an international journal whose aim is to publish high quality, original research papers, survey and review articles, tutorial expositions, and historical studies in the areas of logical and algebraic methods and techniques for guaranteeing correctness and performability of programs and in general of computing systems. All aspects will be covered, especially theory and foundations, implementation issues, and applications involving novel ideas.

Topics of interest to the journal include:
• Applications of algebras, co-algebra and categories to programming
• Applications of proof theory and model theory to programming
• Constraint programming
• Foundations of Programming Paradigms
• Logic programming
• Logical Foundations of Program Security
• Models and Analytical Models for Cyber-Physical Systems
• Process Calculi
• Programming Models
• Quantitative Methods for System Analysis
• Specification and verification of systems

Researchers interested in acting as a guest editor should review the guest editor/proposal guidelines.

The Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming complements Elsevier's Science of Computer Programming and Theoretical Computer Science by its focus on the foundations and the application of logical, algebraic and categorical methods to programming and to the development of trustworthy computing systems.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-17
Special Issues
Special Issue on Recent Advances in Unification
Submission Date: 2025-03-31

Guest editors: Dr. Santiago Escobar, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain Dr. Oliver Fernández Gil, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany Special issue information: The Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP) is an international journal that complements Elsevier’s Science of Computer Programming and Theoretical Computer Science by its focus on the foundations and the application of logical, algebraic and categorical methods to programming and to the development of trustworthy computing systems. The aim of JLAMP special issues is to attract high-quality research papers in specific topics connected to logical and algebraic methods in the theory and practice of software development and computing systems. The purpose of this special issue of JLAMP is to collect recent, original, and high-quality contributions on unification theory and its applications, as well as closely related topics. Unification is concerned with the problem of making two given terms equal, either syntactically or modulo an equational theory. It is a fundamental process used in various areas of computer science, including automated reasoning, term rewriting, logic programming, natural language processing, program analysis, knowledge representation, types, etc. The International Workshop on Unification (UNIF) is the main international event on unification. This special issue is related to the research presented in the last four editions of the workshop, i.e., from UNIF 2021 to UNIF 2024. Nevertheless, submissions of high quality works on unification that were not presented at UNIF are also welcome. Thus, participants of UNIF, as well as other authors, are invited to submit contributions. Topics Following the tradition of UNIF, this special issue addresses the topic of unification in a broad sense. A non-exhaustive list of topics of interest includes: Syntactic and equational unification algorithms​ Matching and constraint solving Higher-order unification Unification in modal, temporal, and description logics Admissibility of inference rules Narrowing Disunification Anti-unification Complexity issues Combination methods Implementation techniques Applications Manuscript submission information: This special issue welcomes original and high-quality contributions on unification theory and its applications, as well as closely related topics. Submissions should consist of articles that have not been previously published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and handled according to the usual procedures of JLAMP. Submitted manuscripts should be written in English and prepared following the guidelines of JLAMP. Papers should be submitted electronically by using the Editorial Manager for JLAMP: Submission site for Journal of Logical & Algebraic Methods in Programming . Please choose VSI:Recent Advances in Unification when you will be selecting the article type. Submission deadline: March 31, 2025
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-12-21
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