Journal Information
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
Call For Papers
IJCAT addresses issues of computer applications, information and communication systems, software engineering and management, CAD/CAM/CAE, numerical analysis and simulations, finite element methods and analyses, robotics, computer applications in multimedia and new technologies, computer aided learning and training

Topics covered include

    Computer applications in engineering and technology
    Computer control system design
    CAD/CAM, CAE, CIM and robotics
    Computer applications in knowledge-based and expert systems
    Computer applications in information technology and communication
    Computer-integrated material processing (CIMP)
    Computer-aided learning (CAL)
    Computer modelling and simulation
    Synthetic approach for engineering
    Man-machine interface
    Software engineering and management
    Management techniques and methods
    Human computer interaction
    Real-time systems 


The objective of IJCAT is to help professionals working in the field, educators and policy makers to contribute, to disseminate information and to learn from each other|s work. IJCAT also aims at establishing channels of communication between Centres of Excellence for computer applications, computer manufacturers, software developers and users worldwide. IJCAT is the official publication of the International Network of Centres for Computer Applications (INCCA).


Professionals, academics, researchers, and managers.


IJCAT is a refereed, international journal, published quarterly, providing an international forum and an authoritative source of information in the field of Computer Applications and related Information Technology.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-18
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