Journal Information
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Call For Papers
Focus and Scope

The Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics publishes original papers in the fields of electrical, computer, and informatics engineering, which cover, but are not limited to, the following scope:

Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Informatics: Computer Architecture, Parallel and Distributed Computer, Pervasive Computing, Computer Network, Embedded System, Human—Computer Interaction, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Computer Security, Software Engineering (Software: Lifecycle, Management, Engineering Process, Engineering Tools and Methods), Programming (Programming Methodology and Paradigm), Data Engineering (Data and Knowledge level Modeling, Information Management (DB) practices, Knowledge Based Management System, Knowledge Discovery in Data), Network Traffic Modeling, Performance Modeling, Dependable Computing, High Performance Computing, Computer Security, Human-Machine Interface, Stochastic Systems, Information Theory, Intelligent Systems, IT Governance, Networking Technology, Optical Communication Technology, Next Generation Media, Robotic Instrumentation, Information Search Engine, Multimedia Security, Computer Vision, Information Retrieval, Intelligent System, Distributed Computing System, Mobile Processing, Next Network Generation, Computer Network Security, Natural Language Processing, Business Process, Cognitive Systems.

Electronics: Electronic Materials, Microelectronic System, Design and Implementation of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), VLSI Design, System-on-a-Chip (SoC) and Electronic Instrumentation Using CAD Tools, digital signal & data Processing, , Biomedical Transducers and instrumentation, Medical Imaging Equipment and Techniques, Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing, Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Engineering, Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems;

Electrical and Power Engineering: Electrical Engineering Materials, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Power Electronics, Power Quality, Power Economic, FACTS, Renewable Energy, Electric Traction, Electromagnetic Compatibility, High Voltage Insulation Technologies, High Voltage Apparatuses, Lightning Detection and Protection, Power System Analysis, SCADA, Electrical Measurements;

Telecommunication and Information Technology: Modulation and Signal Processing for Telecommunication, Information Theory and Coding, Antenna and Wave Propagation, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Radio Communication, Communication Electronics and Microwave, Radar Imaging, Distributed Platform, Communication Network and Systems, Telematics Services and Security Network;

Instrumentation and Control Engineering: Optimal, Robust and Adaptive Controls, Non Linear and Stochastic Controls, Modeling and Identification, Robotics, Image Based Control, Hybrid and Switching Control, Process Optimization and Scheduling, Control and Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligent and Expert System, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network, Complex Adaptive Systems.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-25
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