Conference Information
S&I Media 2018: International Conference on Stereo & Immersive Media
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Conference Date:
Lisbon, Portugal
Viewed: 8069   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 3rd International Conference on Stereo & Immersive Media focuses on visual and sound media renowned for their immersive features.

Stereo and immersive technologies have been widening the fields of photography and sound since the 19th century, contributing to the emergence of a progressively immersive media culture. This conference aims to bring together photography and sound research fields bridging their historical and contemporary relationship with expanded and immersive environments (e.g. panoramas, virtual reality, sound art).

The organizing committee invites scholars, researchers, artists, curators and archivists to submit paper presentations and posters addressing one of the following themes:

1- Stereoscopic and Panoramic Photography
2- Photography , Cinema and Sound Media Archaeologies
3- Media Arts and Immersion
4- Architecture, Virtual and Augmented Realities
5- Urban Sound Devices: Telephones, Headphones, Speakers and Radio
7- Sonic Art and New Technologies
8- Photography and Performance: Intermedia Practices

Conference Submissions:

    Submission Process
    Please find below the instructions on the submission process.
        The official languages of the conference are English, Portuguese and Spanish.
        Abstracts should have between 200-300 words for a 20 minutes presentation and should be submitted along with a short biography, to
        When filling the title field in easychair please indicate (within brackets) the number of the theme proposed in this call that best suits your presentation.
        Once your conference proposal or paper abstract has been accepted, you may register in the conference and submit your article to the International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media at The deadline for this submission is 31 July 2018. Please find more instructions and detailed information in the ‘Journal S&I Media’ button on the menu above.
        Other queries must be submitted to
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-10-29
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