Conference Information
ICMM' 2016: International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics
Submission Date:
2016-08-08 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Guangzhou, China
Viewed: 9688   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Authors from the world are welcome to gather at this international academic event. After the conference, proceedings will be published based on the following topics, which include but are not limited to:

Solid Mechanics
Geophysics and geomechanics
Impact mechanics and wave propagation
Mechanics of multi-component materials and composites
Mechanics of phase transformations
Multibody and vehicle dynamics
Nanostructures and MEMS
Stability of Structure
Structural optimization
Vibrations and control structures
Biomechanics and biomaterials
Contact and friction mechanics
Damage mechanics
Fracture mechanics

Fluid Mechanics
Drops,bubbles and multiphase flows
Flow instability and transition
Flow in thin films
Grophysical and environmental fluid dynamics
Low Reynolds number flow
Non-Newtonian and complex fluids
Stirring and mixing
Vortex dynamics
Waves in fluids Biological fluid dynamics
Boundary Layers
Combustion and flames
Compreesible flow

Theory of Mechanisms and Mechanical Dynamics
Design and Control in Modern mechantronics System Engineering
Structural Engineering Analysis, CAD Optimized Design and Intelligent Control
Micro-electromechanical Systems
Transmission and Simulation Technology
Robotics and its Motor System
Sensor and Actuator Technology
Intelligent Systems Group Communication and Coordination
Bionic Technology
Voice Processing
Image and Video Processing
Signal Processing Systems Design and Implementation
Computer Information Processing Technology
Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Neural Network Technology
Measurement Technology and Instruments
Multi-sensor Information Fusion Technology

Applied Mechanics and Other topics
Nonlinear Dynamics
Oil and Gas Exploration
Operations Management
PC guided design and manufacture
Plasticity Mechanics
Pollution and Environmental Engineering
Precision mechanics, mechatronics
Production Technology
Quality assurance and environment protection
Resistance and Propulsion
Robotic Automation and Control
Structural Dynamics
System Dynamics and Simulation
Textile and Leather Technology
Transport Phenomena
Mechanical Power Engineering
Dynamics and Vibration
Material Science and Processing
Production Technology
Solid Mechanics
Mechanical Design
Automotive Engineering
Acoustics and Noise Control
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-07-22
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