Conference Information
RTA 2015: International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications Date: |
2015-01-30 |
Notification Date: |
2015-04-08 |
Conference Date: |
2015-06-29 |
Location: |
Warsaw, Poland |
Years: |
26 |
CCF: c CORE: a QUALIS: b1 Viewed: 13597 Tracked: 2 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
RTA is the major forum for the presentation of research on all aspects of rewriting. Topics of interest include: Foundations: string, term, net and graph rewriting; higher-order rewriting; binding techniques; constrained rewriting and deduction; categorical and infinitary rewriting; stochastic rewriting; higher-dimensional rewriting; tree automata; confluence; termination; complexity; modularity; equational logic; universal algebra; rewriting logic; rewriting calculi. Algorithmic aspects and implementation: strategies; matching; unification; anti-unification; narrowing; completion; parallel execution; certification of rewriting properties; abstract machines; automated (non)termination and confluence provers; automated complexity analysis; system descriptions. Applications of rewriting: programming languages (functional, logic, object-oriented and other programming paradigms); type systems; program analysis, transformation and optimisation; rewriting models of programs; semantics; process calculi; functional calculi; explicit substitution; constraint solving; symbolic and algebraic computation; theorem proving; proof checking; system modelling; system synthesis and verification; XML queries and transformations; cryptographic protocols; security policies; system biology; linguistics; rewriting in education.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-01-10
Acceptance Ratio
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Accepted(%) |
2008 | 57 | 30 | 52.6% |
2005 | 79 | 29 | 36.7% |
2003 | 61 | 26 | 42.6% |
2002 | 49 | 20 | 40.8% |
2001 | 55 | 23 | 41.8% |
2000 | 44 | 15 | 34.1% |
1999 | 53 | 23 | 43.4% |
1997 | 54 | 24 | 44.4% |
1996 | 84 | 27 | 32.1% |
1995 | 87 | 27 | 31% |
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CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
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Optical Materials | 3.800 | Elsevier | 0925-3467 | |
Computers & Education | 8.900 | Elsevier | 0360-1315 | |
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | Intelligent Networks and Systems Society | 2185-310X | ||
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools | 1.000 | World Scientific | 0218-2130 | |
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems | 0.700 | ACM | 2376-3639 | |
c | Intelligent Data Analysis | 0.900 | IOS Press | 1088-467X |
International Journal of Photoenergy | 2.100 | Hindawi | 1110-662X |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
Journal of Sensors | 1.400 | Hindawi |
IEEE Wireless Communications | 10.90 | IEEE |
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking | 4.000 | OSA Publishing |
Optical Materials | 3.800 | Elsevier |
Computers & Education | 8.900 | Elsevier |
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | Intelligent Networks and Systems Society | |
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools | 1.000 | World Scientific |
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems | 0.700 | ACM |
Intelligent Data Analysis | 0.900 | IOS Press |
International Journal of Photoenergy | 2.100 | Hindawi |