Conference Information
ICCSA 2022: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Malaga, Spain
CORE: c   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 25173   Tracked: 20   Attend: 10

Call For Papers
The ICCSA 2022 conference will be organized in Malaga, Spain. Like in the past two years, ICCSA 2022 online-only participation (with a reduced registration fee) is still possible. Besides online sessions, there are pure on-site sessions with presential participation. We hope the pandemic allows us to have a large participation on-site.

ICCSA 2022 will be the next event in a series of highly successful International Conferences on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), previously held in a blended form in Cagliari - Italy (2021), online (2020, as an online-only event due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions), Saint Petersburg - Russia (2019), Melbourne - Australia (2018), Trieste - Italy (2017), Beijing - China (2016), Banff - Canada (2015), Guimaraes - Portugal (2014), Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam (2013), Salvador da Bahia - Brazil (2012), Santander - Spain (2011), Fukuoka - Japan (2010), Suwon - Korea (2009), Perugia - Italy (2008), Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia (2007), Glasgow - United Kingdom (2006), Singapore - Singapore(2005), Assisi - Italy (2004), Montreal - Canada (2003), and, as ICCS, in Amsterdam - The Netherlands (2002) and San Francisco - USA (2001).

Computational Science is a main pillar of most of present research, industrial and commercial activities and plays a unique role in exploiting ICT innovative technologies.

The ICCSA Conference offers an opportunity to bring together scientists of different disciplines, discuss new issues, tackle complex problems and find advanced solutions breeding new trends in Computational Science.

Submitted papers will be subject to stringent peer review by at least three experts and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers will appear in the Conference proceedings to be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes for Computer Science and Conference Publishing System (CPS). The authors of a selected number of top quality papers will be requested to extend their papers for further review and publication as special issues in highly recognized international journals.

ICCSA 2022 accepts paper submission in the following categories: General Tracks and Workshops' Full Papers, General Tracks and Workshops' Short Papers and PhD Showcase Papers. The details for each paper submission category can be found at the URL and the list of Workshops at the URL:

Conference Themes

The ICCSA 2022 Conference themes, grouped in six tracks, are the following (but are not limited to):

1. Track: Computational Methods, Algorithms and Scientific Application
Computational Biology 
Computational Combustion
Computational Chemistry
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational Physics
Computational Geometry
Computational Mathematics
Computational Mechanics
Computational Electro-magnetics
Numerical Methods and Algorithms

2. Track: High-Performance Computing and Networks Parallel and Distributed Computing
Cluster Computing
Cloud Computing
Autonomic Computing
P2P Computing
Mobile Computing
Grid and Semantic Grid Computing
Workflow Design and Practice
Computer and Network Architecture

3. Track: Geometric Modelling, Graphics and Visualization
Scientific Visualization
Computer Graphics
Geometric Modelling
Pattern Recognition
Image Processing
Web3D, Virtual and Augmented Reality

4. Track: Advanced and Emerging Applications
Biometric Modelling
Environmental, Climate and Weather Modelling
Geology and Geophysics
Nuclear Physics
Financial and Economical Modelling
Computational Journalism
Geographical Information Systems

5. Track: Information Systems and Technologies 
Information Retrieval
Scientific Databases
Security Engineering
Risk Analysis
Reliability Engineering
Software Engineering
Data Mining
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Learning Technologies
Web-Based Computing
Web 2.0

6. Track: Urban and Regional Planning
Urban and regional growth
Sustainable urban and regional development
Socio-ecological systems
Open Data, Big Data
Cultural Heritage
Smart and Sustainable Cities
Mobility and Intelligent Transport Systems
Decision Support Systems
Complexity assessment and mapping
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-04-04
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Related Journals
CCFFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSN
IET Electric Power ApplicationsIET1751-8660
Journal of Information Science and Engineering1.100Institute of Information Science0000-0000
Frontiers in Robotics and AI2.900Frontiers Media S.A.2296-9144
bIEEE Transactions on Robotics9.400IEEE1552-3098
Mobile Media & Communication3.100SAGE2050-1579
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage2.400ACM1556-4673
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine4.900Elsevier0169-2607
cJournal of Cybersecurity2.900Oxford University Press2057-2093
ET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation1.100IET1751-8725
Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied SciencesElsevier2314-808X