Conference Information
SPDE 2020: International Conference on Security and Privacy in Digital Economy
Submission Date:
2020-05-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Quzhou, China
Viewed: 12289   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Scope and Topics of Interest
We are in the age of digital economy. Information technology has significantly changed our daily life, including social networks, online shopping, and so on. The dramatic development of new business applications demand new technologies to serve the needs. We have seen the unprecedented progress in artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, to name a few. However, security and privacy concerns are critical issues in this booming digital economy. The vulnerability and potential threats of the new techniques are yet to  be examined, solutions are yet to be tested and confirmed in practice. For example, we need detection method against GAN based attacks, security and  privacy problems of federated learning to be identified and fixed, fraud and cheating in digital economy ecosystems need to be detected and solved, there are a lot of unknown in blockchain systems, issues in auto pilot cars are to be addressed. We fully believe the solutions depend on the extensive collaboration between academia and industry, depend on cross disciplinary effort from ICT and law, social science and so on. The purpose of this conference is to offer a timely venue for researchers and industry partners in framework of digital economy to present and discuss their latest results in security and privacy related work. We focus on the security and privacy issues in digital economy from the following perspectives, but are not limited to:
• Generative adversarial networks
• Machine learning
• Artificial intelligence
• Differential privacy
• Driverless vehicular systems
• Internet of Things
• Social networks
• Blockchain systems
• Cloud and fog systems
• Threat and vulnerability analysis
• Cryptography systems
•Trust and forensics
• Anonymous communication
• E-health and aged care
• Attacks and countermeasures
• Complex networks
• Security and privacy from Social Science
Conference Highlights

    Invited Talks: We will present 5 cutting-edge keynotes from the international leading researchers, and 10 invited talks from the distinguished experts in thefront line of the security domain.
    Social Events: We will hold high-quality socialevents during the conference. Students, young researchers and engineers cantalk with the renowned scholars.
    Paper Awards:All accepted and presented papers at SPDE2020 will contest for best paper awards in avariety of tracks: Best Conference Paper, Best Student Paper, Best ApplicationPaper, and Best Innovation Paper.
    Special Issues: Selected SPDE2020 papers will be invited for possible publication in the special issues of the SCI-indexed journals. 

Submission Instruction
The proceedings will be published by Springer, EI-indexed. We call fororiginal and unpublished papers no longer than 14 pages. The reviews will besingle-blinded. The manuscripts should be formatted in standard Springercamera-ready format and be submitted as PDF files. Please check the Submission for more details.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-05-16
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