Conference Information
MSIVISM 2020: International Conference on Multimedia, Scientific Information and Visualization for Information Systems and Metrics
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Las Palmas de Gran Ganaria, Spain
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Call For Papers
The 7th International Conference “Multimedia, Scientific Information and Visualization for Information Systems and Metrics” is a scientific meeting for discussing the latest advances in the emerging areas of computer sciences, information systems, multimedia online and off-line, visualization and information scientific, software quality and metrics, for instance.

In this field the details of the informative systems, especially aimed at interactive multimedia, scientific visualization, content of scientific information, amongst so many other issues related to computer science engineering, software, systems, telecommunications, electronics, etc., are all studied in detail. In other words, these are the fundamental issues that we all will have to approach on a daily basis as future professionals of the informative systems, and as we enbark on a journey towards a new era: “the expansion of communicability”.

Many conferences are focussed on specific aspects of HCI, computer science, advanced visual interfaces, computer art and interaction, etc. and bring together leading experts in a particular field or sometimes on a specific technology. At such large conferences students are often marginalized or relegated to poster sessions. The workshops, symposia, etc., are not a big scale and aim to promote dialogue between established professors and graduate students working on new directions. Hence topics from the whole range of human-computer interaction, computer vision, mobile computing devices, multimedia, software, hardware, etc. are welcomed. Last year’s workshops, symposia, etc., organized by ALAIPO and AInCI, for instance, included papers, research-in-progress, etc., on the topics (see below the alphabetical order).

All contributions –papers, research-in-progress, workshops, demos, posters and doctoral consortium, should be of high quality, originality, clarity, significance and impact. In the current international conference it is demonstrated how with a correct integration among professionals of formal and factual sciences interesting research lines in the following subjects 3D, APPs Programming, Interfaces, Augmented Reality, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Interaction, Communicablity, Design, Emerging Interactive Technologies, ICT, Information Management, Metrics, Mobile Computing, Telecommunication, Multimedia Systems, Quality Evaluation, Networking, Scientific Information and Informatics, Software and Systems Engineering, UX, Education, and other computational areas are solicited on, but not limited to (alphabetical order):

Design and Interactive Communication

:: Adaptive Interfaces
:: Cognitive Modeling
:: Communicability
:: Cross-Cultural Design for the Aged Population
:: Ergonomics
:: Human-Computer Communication
:: Interface Metaphors
:: Interfaces for Collaborative Work
:: Linguistics and Semiotics for Interactive Design
:: Models of Design for Interactive Systems
:: Tangible and Embodied Interaction for Education, Tourism, Cultural & Natural Heritage

Multimedia Systems and ICT

:: Auditory Contents of Multimedia
:: Big Multimedia Data Analytics
:: Interaction in VR, MR and Games
:: Methods and Techniques for Assessment of Multimedia Systems
:: Mobile APIs and Services
:: Mobile Social Network Interaction
:: Multimedia Systems and Architecture
:: Networking and Connectivity
:: Pervasive and Mobile Computing
:: Ubiquitous Multimedia

Computer Science, Scientific Information and Visualization

:: Computer Graphics and Interaction
:: Computer Vision
:: Data Science and Digital Repositories
:: Emerging Trends and Technologies for Mobile Scientific Visualization
:: e-Science in the Cloud
:: HCI and Visual Navigation
:: Image Processing
:: Medical Informatics
:: Scientific Journalism
:: Scientific Publications and Informatics
:: Virtual Agents and Behaviour Computer Animation

Knowledge, Software Quality and Global Village

:: Augmented Cognitive in New Media
:: Cyber Behaviour
:: Data Management and Mining
:: Ethics and Aesthetics for Interactive Contents Online
:: Globalization and IT
:: Human and Social Factors for Software Quality
:: Intelligent Systems and UX for Education
:: Knowledge Management
:: Natural Language Processing
:: Quality Attributes and Metrics in the Interactive Systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-05-11
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