Conference Information
NLDB 2016: International Conference on Applications of Natual Language to Information Systems
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Manchester, UK
CORE: c   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 17409   Tracked: 4   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
Since 1995, the NLDB conference aims at bringing together researchers, industrials and potential users interested in various applications of Natural Language in the Database and Information Systems field. NLDB 2016 invites researchers from academia and industry to submit papers for oral or poster presentations on recent, unpublished research that addresses theoretical aspects, algorithms, applications, architectures for applied and integrated NLP, resources for applied NLP, and other aspects of NLP, as well as review and discussion papers.

Further, we encourage submissions on the following topics:

    Applications of NLP in Information Systems: Multilingual Information Systems, NLP in Requirement Engineering, NLP in Knowledge Management, Semantic Data Integration and Data Cleaning.
    Social Media and Web Data: Corpus analysis, Language identification, Text normalization, Robust NLP for social media, Text classification, Information Extraction and Sentiment Analysis for social media.
    Semantic Web Open Linked Data: Ontology Learning and Alignment, Populating ontologies, Querying Ontologies and linked data, Semantic tagging and classification, Ontology-driven NLP.
    Question Answering (QA): NL interfaces to databases, QA using web data, multi-lingual QA, Non-factoid QA (how/why/opinion questions, lists), geographical QA, QA corpora and training sets.
    Natural language and Ubiquitous Computing: Pervasive Computing, Embedded, Robotic and Mobile Applications.
    Natural Language in Conceptual Modeling: Analysis of Natural Language Descriptions, Terminological Ontologies, Consistency Checking, Metadata Creation and Harvesting, Ontology-driven Systems Integration, Ontology Management.
    NLP Applications: Business Intelligence, Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis, QA systems, Event Detection, Named Entity and Event Detection, Information Extraction, Summarization, NLP for Data Mining, NLP for Data Warehouses, Plagiarism detection, Identity detection.

Conferences are held at a different member University each year. This year, for the first time, the University of Salford will be hosting the event at it’s MediaCityUK Campus.

We appreciate the time and effort you put in to attend conference and we will work tirelessly to provide a world class event.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-02-27
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