Conference Information
SIGSPATIAL 2025: International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
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Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
CCF: c   CORE: a   Viewed: 22566   Tracked: 19   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
Topics of interest

Suggested topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Spatial AI

    Generative AI for spatial reasoning and simulation
    Spatial foundation models
    Causal reasoning in space and time
    Spatial machine learning and explainability
    Privacy and ethics
    Spatial reasoning in robotics

Big spatial data

    Spatial and spatio-temporal analysis
    Query processing and optimization
    Spatial data mining, pattern analysis and knowledge discovery
    Spatio-temporal data management
    Spatial decision support
    Spatial data quality and uncertainty
    Geo-entity linkage, geo-enrichment
    Distributed and parallel algorithms
    Geospatial architectures and middleware
    GPU and novel hardware solutions

Pervasive computing and internet of spatial things

    Localization and tracking indoors/outdoors
    Contact tracing
    Location-based services
    Spatio-temporal sensor networks
    Traffic telematics
    Mobile systems and vehicular ad hoc networks

Spatial data acquisition, integration, processing

    Standardization and interoperability
    Earth observation and satellite data processing
    Computational geometry and computer graphics
    Image and video understanding
    Spatial, geo-social and trajectory Simulation
    Spatio-temporal stream processing

Spatial search

    Geographic information retrieval
    Human computer interaction and visualization
    Similarity searching
    Spatial data structures and algorithms
    Spatial modeling and reasoning
    Spatio-textual searching

Spatial intelligence at work

    Intelligent transportation and sustainable mobility
    Autonomous vehicles
    Spatial knowledge graphs
    Epidemiology and health
    Cyber and physical security
    Smart cities and spaces
    Geospatial computer vision applications
    Location business intelligence
    Personalized geospatial recommendation systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-03-02
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