Conference Information
MobileHCI 2025: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
CCF: b   CORE: b   QUALIS: a2   Viewed: 26645   Tracked: 19   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
The ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI) Conference Series has shaped research, development, and practice in services used on mobile or within mobile contexts for over two decades. We interpret mobility broadly and welcome contributions to any aspect of mobile HCI technology, systems, devices, techniques, applications, experience, methods, tools, theories, models, and new perspectives. The MobileHCI full papers will be published as journal articles in a special issue in the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI).

The MobileHCI conference seeks submissions targeted toward this year’s conference theme: “Diving into Mobile AI,” and topics in the following key domains:

    Systems and Infrastructure: The design, architecture, deployment, and evaluation of systems and infrastructures that support the development of or interaction with mobile technology.
    Interaction Devices and Techniques: The design, construction, usage, and evaluation of devices and techniques that create valuable new interactive capabilities for mobile human-computer interaction.
    Applications and Experiences: Descriptions of the design, empirical study of interactive applications, or analysis of usage trends that leverage mobile devices and systems. Application areas include health care, mobility, sustainability, social engagement, and civic engagement.
    Methods and Tools: New methods and tools designed for, or applied to, studying or building mobile user interfaces, applications, and mobile users.
    Theories and Models: Critical analysis or organizing theory with clearly motivated relevance to the design or study of mobile human-computer interaction; taxonomies of design or devices.
    New Perspectives: Well-argued and well-supported visions of the future of mobile computing; non-traditional topics that bear on mobility; underrepresented viewpoints and perspectives that convincingly bring something new to mobile research and practice.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-11-24
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