Conference Information
ICAIR 2023: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
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Guangzhou, China
Viewed: 16896   Tracked: 11   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Robotics Science and Engineering & Control
-Networked and Distributed Intelligent Control
-Real Time Supervisory Control
-Adaptive Control Systems
-Embedded Systems
-Mobile and Autonomous Systems
-Virtual Systems
-Multi-Agent Collaborative Systems (MACS)
-Biorobotics, Biomechatronics
-Space and Underwater Robotics
-Cooperative and Network Robotics
-Entertainment Robotics
-Rescue Robotics
-Agriculture and Field Robotics
-Service and Security Robotics
-Biped and Humanoid Robots
-Human-Machine Interfaces and Interaction
-Factory and Home Automation
-Robotics and Industrial Monitoring
-Simulation and Modelling of Robotic Systems
-Novel Robotic Locomotion
-Navigation, Mapping and Path Planning
-Tele-robotics and Tele-operation
-Fuzzy Systems, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
-Artificial Neural Networks in robotics or automation
-Artificial Intelligence in Biosystems
-Genetic Algorithm (GA)
-Evolutionary Computation (EC) and Algorithms
-DNA Computing for Autonomous Agents
-Environmental and Food sensors
-Vision Systems for Automation and Robotics
-Smart Sensors and Sensor Fusion
-Implantable Sensors for Robotic Applications
-Sensors for Factory and Home Automation
-Instrumentation for Robotics and Automation
-Virtual Systems for Training and Education
-Mechatronics or Robotics Education
- Applications

Artificial Intelligence: 
 - Brain models, Brain mapping, Cognitive science
- Natural language processing
- Fuzzy logic and soft computing
- Software tools for AI
- Expert systems
- Decision support systems- Automated problem solving
- Knowledge discovery
- Knowledge representation
- Knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge-intensive problem solving techniques
- Knowledge networks and management
- Intelligent information systems
- Intelligent data mining and farming
- Intelligent web-based business
- Intelligent agents
- Intelligent networks
- Intelligent databases
- Intelligent user interface
- AI and evolutionary algorithms
- Intelligent tutoring systems
- Reasoning strategies
- Distributed AI algorithms and techniques
- Distributed AI systems and architectures
- Neural networks and applications
- Heuristic searching methods
- Languages and programming techniques for AI
- Constraint-based reasoning and constraint programming
- Intelligent information fusion
- Learning and adaptive sensor fusion
- Search and meta-heuristics
- Multisensor data fusion using neural and fuzzy techniques
- Integration of AI with other technologies
- Evaluation of AI tools
- Social intelligence (markets and computational societies)
- Social impact of AI
- Emerging technologies
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-10-06
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