Journal Information
International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP)
Impact Factor:
Idea Group Inc
Call For Papers

As information technology and the Internet become more and more ubiquitous and pervasive in our daily lives, there is an essential need for a more thorough understanding of information security and privacy issues and concerns. The International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP) creates and fosters a forum where research in the theory and practice of information security and privacy is advanced. IJISP publishes high quality papers dealing with a wide range of issues, ranging from technical, legal, regulatory, organizational, managerial, cultural, ethical and human aspects of information security and privacy, through a balanced mix of theoretical and empirical research articles, case studies, book reviews, tutorials, and editorials. This journal encourages submission of manuscripts that present research frameworks, methods, methodologies, theory development and validation, case studies, simulation results and analysis, technological architectures, infrastructure issues in design, and implementation and maintenance of secure and privacy preserving initiatives.

Mission & Scope:

The overall mission of the International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP) is to create and foster a forum where research in the theory and practice of information security and privacy is advanced. The journal strives to serve a diverse readership by publishing articles in a range of topics in information security and privacy that would appeal to a broad cross-sectional and multi disciplinary readership ranging from the academic and professional research communities to industry practitioners. The journal seeks to publish a balanced mix of high quality theoretical or empirical research articles, case studies, book reviews, tutorials, editorials as well as pedagogical and curricular issues surrounding information security and privacy.


    Agents and mobile communication systems
    Authentication and authorization of users, systems, and applications
    Businesses models and systems with security and privacy requirements and management
    Case studies in security and privacy
    Civil rights and liberties
    Computer worms and viruses
    Consumer and business practices and trends
    Cryptographic techniques and protocols
    Database issues in privacy protection
    Developing enterprise management of security and privacy policies and infrastructures
    Development of formal models and definitions
    Distributed marketplaces, auctions, and gaming
    Distributed, forward, and proactive policies and procedures
    Economic impact analysis
    Electronic commerce, banking, and payment protocols
    Encryption, authentication, and access control
    Enhancements for storage area networks
    E-services, e-voting, and e-government
    File and file system security and privacy
    Firewall technologies, policies, and trends
    Global Issues
    Hacking and corruptions
    Hacking, cyber-terrorism, and intrusion detection
    Heterogeneous and large-scale environments
    Identity and privacy confidentiality
    Legal, regulatory, and compliance issues
    Malicious codes and attacks against networks
    Multiparty communications, co-operations, and computations
    Networks and security protocols
    Peer-to-Peer computing
    Preserving and enhancing technologies and initiatives
    Relationships and trade-offs between security and privacy
    Security and privacy techniques, management, and protocols
    Tools, techniques, methods, and frameworks
    Trends and new developments
    Trust architectures and underlying infrastructures
    World Wide Web authentication and authorization
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-25
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