Conference Information
WISTP 2024: International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice Date: |
2024-01-15 |
Notification Date: |
2024-02-05 |
Conference Date: |
2024-02-29 |
Location: |
Paris, France |
Years: |
14 |
CORE: c Viewed: 13050 Tracked: 2 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
The 14th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice (WISTP’2024) is actively soliciting original submissions from academia and industry. The conference welcomes original research papers encompassing a wide range of theoretical and practical dimensions of security and privacy. In addition, the conference encourages submissions that include experimental studies of fielded systems, explore the application of security technology, highlight successful system implementations, and share valuable lessons learned. Moreover, the organizers invite submissions from other communities, including law, business, and policy, which provide unique perspectives on technological issues. WISTP’2024 aims to facilitate a comprehensive and diverse discussion on information security theory and practice. Prospective authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished work, reporting on novel and significant research contributions, ongoing research projects, experimental results and recent developments related to, but not limited to, the following topics: Security and Privacy in Smart Devices Biometrics, National ID cards Embedded Systems Security and TPMs Interplay of TPMs and Smart Cards Mobile Codes Security Mobile Devices Security Mobile Malware Mobile OSes Security Analysis RFID Systems Smart Card Smart Devices Applications Wireless Sensor Node Security and Privacy in Networks Ad Hoc Networks Content Defined Networks Delay-Tolerant Networks Domestic Networks GSM/GPRS/UMTS Systems Peer-to-Peer Networks Security Issues in Mobile and Ubiquitous Networks Sensor Networks: Campus Area, Body Area, Sensor and Metropolitan Area Networks Vehicular Networks Wireless Communication: Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi, WiMAX, others Security and Privacy in Architectures, Protocols, Policies, Systems and Applications BYOD Contexts Big Data Management Cloud Systems Critical Infrastructure (e.g. for Medical or Military Applications) Crowdsourcing Cyber-Physical Systems Data and Computation Integrity Digital Rights Management (DRM) Distributed Systems Grid Computing Identity and Trust Management Information Assurance Information Filtering Internet of Things Intrusion Detection Lightweight cryptography Localization Systems (Tracking of People and Goods) M2M (Machine to Machine), H2M (Human to Machine) and M2H (Machine to Human) Mobile Commerce Multimedia Applications Public Administration and Governmental Services Privacy Enhancing Technologies Secure self-organization and self-configuration Security Models, Architecture and Protocol: for Identification and Authentication, Access Control, Data Protection Security Policies (Human-Computer Interaction and Human Behavior Impact) Security Measurements Smart Cities Social Networks Systems Controlling Industrial Processes
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-11-18
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Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
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