Conference Information
IFIPTM 2019: IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management
Submission Date:
2019-04-09 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Copenhagen, Denmark
CORE: c   Viewed: 19042   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
IFIPTM 2019 welcomes submissions of both full and short papers on any topic related to the themes of trust, security and privacy and the topics mentioned above. Submitted full papers must not exceed 16 pages in length, including bibliography and well-marked appendices; short papers must not exceed 8 pages in length. Papers must be submitted as a single PDF file, formatted using the LNCS format as described in the Springer LNCS author instructions. As previous editions, papers will be published by Springer under the IFIP AICT series.

The submission link is:

The mission of the IFIPTM 2019 Conference is to share research solutions to problems of Trust and Trust management, including related Security and Privacy issues, and to identify new issues and directions for future research and development work. IFIPTM 2019 invites submissions presenting novel research on all topics related to Trust, Security and Privacy, including but not limited to those listed below:

Trust in Information Technology
- Formal aspects (specification, reasoning, and analysis)
- Trust-based and trust-aware IT policy management
- Trust in social networks and emerging contexts
- Trust in collaborative applications, crowd-sourcing and wiki systems
- Trust in human-computer interaction and usable systems
- Trust metrics and computation

Trust and Identity Management
- Architectures and models
- Benchmarks, metrics and computation
- Anonymity, privacy and accountability
- Identity and personal information brokering
- Legal aspects
- Platforms and standards
- Software and services
- Verification and validation

Socio-Technical and Sociological Trust
- Economic modeling of trust, risk and control; economics of trusted data quality
- Trust, control and reputation effects in social networking, e- and m-commerce
- Trust and socio materiality; socio-technical network structures; biological trust
- Ethical, sociological, psychological, legal aspects

Emerging Technology for Trust
- Blockchain
- Edge and Fog computing
- Big Data, Machine Learning and AI
- Self-explaining systems
- Trust in Cloud environments
- Large/Federated Identity Management, e.g. UID/SSN, Banks, Mobile user groups
- Machine and human participation 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-03-28
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