Conference Information
NetSys 2021: International Conference on Networked Systems
Submission Date:
2021-05-28 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Lubeck, Germany
Viewed: 14177   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2021) is a traditional biennial event that provides an international forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to present and discuss recent innovations in the realm of networked systems.

NetSys21 is again a joint event organized by GI KuVS (GI, Communication and Distributed Systems) and VDE ITG (VDE, Information Technical Society). The NetSys21 technical program focusses on original contributions in the area of networking and distributed systems and also features invited presentations on hot topics in networking and distributed systems, an industry session, separate workshops, tutorials, posters, demos, an early work track, and a Ph.D. forum. Also included is the annual 1-day ITG expert symposium “Future of Networking” (Zukunft der Netze, ZdN) with invited technical presentations on advanced topics in networking. The German GI FG on Operating Systems also plans to hold its annual workshop in combination with NetSys 2021 in Lübeck.

So, NetSys 2021 solicits the submission of extended abstracts presenting original and novel research and ideas as well as hot topic papers, i.e. presentations of papers that have already been accepted or published at other conferences or journals in the field during the last two years.

The NetSys21 TPC will select extended abstract papers for presentation and inclusion in the NetSys 2021 proceedings to be published open access via the journal Electronic Communications of the EASST (ECEASST).

In addition, the PC of NetSys’21 will select the best submitted abstracts and invite their authors to submit extended versions to a special issue of ACM TOIT: SI on Recent Advances in Networks and Distributed Systems

Hot topic presentations shall highlight recent and highly significant results in networked and distributed systems to be presented in a highly innovative, thought-provoking and stimulating format - containing, e.g., new research topics, directions, and methods. This includes recent papers which appeared (or are to appear) in top journals (such as TON or CCR) or top conferences (such as SIGCOMM, IMC, MobiCom, CoNEXT, INFOCOM, ICDCS) that are of high interest for the NetSys community.

Both, extended abstracts and hot topic papers, can include, but are not limited to the following topics:

    Network architectures and protocols
    Transport- and application-layer protocols
    Software-defined networking, network function virtualization, and further network softwarization
    Mobile, ad-hoc, opportunistic, vehicular, and sensor networks
    Novel concepts for tactile and low-latency communication
    Pertinent middleware architectures, platforms, and programming support for networked systems
    Internet of Things (IoT)
    Cloud computing, mobile cloud computing, fog and edge computing
    Network security and privacy
    Information-centric networking, content distribution and retrieval, and their co-existence with classical networks
    SoA, web services, and mobile services
    Consistency, reliability, availability in networking and distributed systems
    Advancements in social networks, social computing, data-intensive computing (big data)
    Methods for design, implementation and analysis of networked systems
    Cyber-physical networked systems
    Green and energy-efficient networks / networked systems
    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as well as their application in, and impacts on, networking
    Distributed ledger systems and applications
    Emerging and future networked applications and distributed systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-01-16
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