Conference Information
SPNGN 2015: International Symposium on Security and Privacy in Next-Generation Networks
Submission Date:
2014-11-17 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Viewed: 8881   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

Next Generation Network (NGN) nowadays plays an important role in the sector of telecommunication and has huge importance for future research. NGN communication is making the world’s life easier by giving round the clock connectivity with high data transfer. The NGN communication includes number of promising architectures as Internet of things, Personal wireless networks: body area wireless sensor network, wireless sensor and actuator network, Wireless Mesh networks, Next generation Internet, Cloud computing, LTE advanced, Machine-to-Machine network.

The NGN communication must be secure and preserve the privacy of its users and requires innovative methods to address the continuous and emerging security threats.

This track is a forum for researchers, academics, and industries to debate the different issues related to security and privacy in next-Generation Networks, discuss relevant theoretical and practical solutions, and explore areas related to the theory, applications, development, experiences, and evaluation studies.


Topics of the track consist of all aspects related to security and privacy issues for Next generation. They include but are not limited to:

•Vulnerability assessment
•Mobile Identity management
•Authentication, security access policies
•Privacy-respecting Authentication
•Privacy issues in the Internet of Things
•Privacy issues in wireless networks
•Security Management of Machine-to-Machine network
•Forensics analysis
•Remote and wireless-based Biometrics system
•Mobile malware
•Mobile botnets
•Security and privacy issues in Smartphones
•Intrusion and fraud detection
•Socio-economic issues

Paper Submission

Papers should be original and contain contributions of theoretical or experimental nature, or be unique experience reports. Interested authors should submit a 6-page summary of their original and unpublished work including 5 keywords in the CPS format to the track chair. Electronic submission in the PDF, PS or MS Word format is strongly encouraged.

Evaluation Process

Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness. Per ITNG policy, except for invited papers, all papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings with an ISBN.

Consideration for Journals

Selected articles will be considered for publication in special issue of ISI indexed Journal. 
Last updated by Kashif Saleem in 2014-11-02
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