Conference Information
ISWTA 2014: IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology & Applications
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Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Viewed: 14023   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
A: Wireless Communications, Networks and Security

    Coding & modulation
    Channel modeling and characterization
    Mobile and Wireless IP
    Wireless LANs and Wireless PANs
    Wireless broadcast, multicast, and streaming
    Wireless network security

B: Mobile Communications

    2G/3G/4G integration
    Bandwidth on demand
    Mobile radio networks
    Mobility, location and handoff management
    Mobile multimedia applications
    Wireless broadband mobile access

C: Protocols for Wireless and Mobile

    Wireless and Mobile system protocols
    Air interfaces and networks protocols
    Wireless MAC protocols
    Transport layer
    Middleware for mobile and wireless

D: Computer and Communications

    Software architecture and programming for Wireless & Mobile
    Data Mining and Database Applications
    E-Commerce and E-Services
    Grid and Cluster Computing
    Internet Protocols, Services and Applications

E: Radio Propagation and Antenna

    Outdoor and Indoor Propagations
    Direct, Ionospheric and Tropospheric Propagations
    Millimeter and Optical Wave Propagation
    Antenna Design
    Array and Feeding Circuits

F: RF & Microwave Devices and Circuits

    Filters, Multiplexers and Passive Circuits
    RF & Microwave Active Circuits
    Reconfigurable and Tunable Circuits
    Electromagnetic Modeling and EMC

G: Embedded Systems, Platforms and Technology

    Embedded Devices
    Low-Power Electronics
    Software Architectures
    Connectivity and Packaging
    Microtechnology and Nanotechnology
    Instrumentation and Measurement
    Sensors, RFID Applications, VLSI Design

H: Services & Applications

    Emerging wireless/mobile applications
    Regulations and standards
    Wireless medicine and health services
    Wireless emergency and security systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-02-02
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