Journal Information
International Journal of Network Management
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and Scope

Modern computer networks and communication systems are increasing in size, scope, and heterogeneity. The promise of a single end-to-end technology has not been realized and likely never will occur. The decreasing cost of bandwidth is increasing the possible applications of computer networks and communication systems to entirely new domains. Problems in integrating heterogeneous wired and wireless technologies, ensuring security and quality of service, and reliably operating large-scale systems including the inclusion of cloud computing have all emerged as important topics. The one constant is the need for network management. Challenges in network management have never been greater than they are today. The International Journal of Network Management is the forum for researchers, developers, and practitioners in network management to present their work to an international audience. The journal is dedicated to the dissemination of information, which will enable improved management, operation, and maintenance of computer networks and communication systems. The journal is peer reviewed and publishes original papers (both theoretical and experimental) by leading researchers, practitioners, and consultants from universities, research laboratories, and companies around the world. Issues with thematic or guest-edited special topics typically occur several times per year. Topic areas for the journal are largely defined by the taxonomy for network and service management developed by IFIP WG6.6, together with IEEE-CNOM, the IRTF-NMRG and the Emanics Network of Excellence. The taxonomy is available here


The readership of this journal is broad. Readers include network and telecommunications managers, researchers, developers, designers, consultants, vendors, and students with an interest in existing and future directions in network management.

    IP networks
    Wireless networks and cellular networks
    Optical networks
    Overlay networks
    Virtual networks
    Home networks
    Access networks
    Enterprise networks and campus networks
    Data center networks
    SCADA networks and distributed control systems
    Wireless sensor networks
    Internet of Things networks
    Information-centric networks
    Software-defined networks
    Multimedia services
    Content delivery services
    Cloud computing services
    Internet connectivity and Internet access services
    Internet of Things services
    Security services
    Context-aware services
    Information technology services
    Economic aspects
    Multi-stakeholder aspects
    Service level agreements
    Lifecycle aspects
    Process and workflow aspects
    Legal perspective
    Regulatory perspective
    Privacy aspects
    Fault management
    Configuration management
    Accounting management
    Performance management
    Security management
    Centralized management
    Hierarchical management
    Distributed management
    Federated management
    Autonomic and cognitive management
    Policy-based management
    Pro-active management
    Energy-aware management
    Quality of experience-centric management
    Communication protocols
    Overlay networks
    Cloud computing and cloud storage
    Data models, information models semantic models
    Information visualization
    Software-defined networking
    Network function virtualization
    Operations support systems and business support systems
    Mathematical logic and automated reasoning
    Mathematical optimization
    Control theory
    Probability theory, stochastic processes, and queuing theory
    Machine learning
    Evolutionary algorithms
    Economic theory and game theory
    Network monitoring and measurements
    Data mining and (big) data analysis
    Computer simulation experiments
    Prototype implementation and testbed experimentation
    Field trials
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-13
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