Conference Information
ITC-CSCC 2016: International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications
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Naha, Okinawa, Japan
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Call For Papers
The 31st International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2016) will be held on July 10-13 at Okinawa Jichikaikan in Naha, Okinawa, Japan. ITC-CSCC 2016 scope spans areas of Circuit Design, System Designs, Computer Systems and Communication Networks. The conference is open to researchers from all regions of the world; participation from Asia Pacific region is particularly encouraged. Proposals for special sessions are welcome. Topics include, but not limited to the followings:

1. Circuits & Systems
    (1-1) Analog Circuits
    (1-2) Computer Aided Design
    (1-3) Intelligent Transportation Systems & Technology
    (1-4) Linear / Nonlinear Systems
    (1-5) Medical Electronics & Circuits
    (1-6) RF Circuits
    (1-7) Semiconductor Devices and Technology
    (1-8) Power Electronics & Circuits
    (1-9) Modern Control
    (1-10) Neural Networks
    (1-11) VLSI Design
    (1-12) Verification and Testing
    (1-13) Graphs and Net Theory
    (1-14) Formal Approaches to System Design

2. Computers
    (2-1) Artificial Intelligence
    (2-2) Biocomputing
    (2-3) Computer Systems & Applications
    (2-4) Computer Vision
    (2-5) Face Detection & Recognition
    (2-6) Image Coding & Analysis
    (2-7) Image Processing
    (2-8) Internet Technology & Applications
    (2-9) Motion Analysis
    (2-10) Multimedia Service & Technology
    (2-11) Object Extraction & Technology
    (2-12) Security
    (2-13) Watermarking

3. Communications
    (3-1) Antenna & Wave Propagation
    (3-2) Audio / Speech Signal Processing
    (3-3) Circuits & Components for Communications
    (3-4) IP Networks & QoS
    (3-5) MIMO & Space-Time Codes
    (3-6) Multimedia Communications
    (3-7) Mobile & Wireless Communications
    (3-8) Network Management & Design
    (3-9) Optical communications and Components
    (3-10) Radar / Remote Sensing
    (3-11) Communication Signal Processing
    (3-12) Ubiquitous Networks
    (3-13) UWB
    (3-14) Visual Communications


All registered participants are provided with conference proceedings. Moreover, authors of the accepted papers are encouraged to submit full-length manuscripts to IEICE Transactions or IEIE JSTS (Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science). Papers passed through the standard editing procedures of the IEICE Transactions or IEIE JSTS will be published in regular issues. The authors (or their institute) are requested to pay the publication charge for the IEICE Transactions when their paper is accepted.


Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers of PDF format written in English. Abstracts are limited to two pages of text and figures. Only on-line submission through can be accepted. If you have any trouble in preparing papers and on-line submission, please contact the conference secretariat.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-01-16
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