Conference Information
SSIAI 2020: Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation
Submission Date:
2019-12-01 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Viewed: 13506   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

The Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) is a biennial conference dedicated to all aspects of computational analysis and interpretation of images and video. SSIAI brings together researchers and practitioners in academia, industry, and government to share and discuss the latest advances in this field. SSIAI 2020 will be held at La Fonda on the Plaza, Santa Fe, NM, U.S.A. The symposium seeks original contributions reporting novel research directions, results, and applications.


Mathematical models and methods
Statistical and learning methods
Features and invariants
Segmentation and grouping
Object detection and tracking
Activity detection and analysis
Image and video indexing and retrieval
Biomedical image analysis
Neuro-signal processing
Biometrics and bioinformatics
Biologically inspired computer vision
Compressive sensing and processing
Stereoscopic and 3-D analysis
Multisensor analysis and processing
Color analysis and processing
Shape representation and recognition
Scene modeling and interpretation
Computational photography
Human computer interaction
Automated inspection
Real-time analysis
Optimization methods
Performance evaluation
Computer vision for robotics
Image and video quality assessment
Computer architectures for image/video processing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-09-14
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