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International Journal of Information Management
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Call For Papers
The Journal for Information ProfessionalsThe International Journal of Information Management (IJIM) is an international, peer-reviewed journal which aims to bring its readers the very best analysis and discussion in the developing field of information management.

The journal:
• Keeps the reader briefed with major papers, reports and reviews
• Is topical: Viewpoint articles and other regular features including Research Notes, Case Studies and a Reviews section help keep the reader up to date with current issues.
• Focusses on high quality papers that address contemporary issues for all those involved in information management and which make a contribution to advancing information management theory and practice.

Information is critical for the survival and growth of organisations and people. The challenge for Information management is now less about managing activities that collect, store and disseminate information. Rather, there is greater focus on managing activities that make changes in patterns of behaviour of customers, people, and organizations, and information that leads to changes in the way people use information to engage in knowledge focussed activities.

Information management covers a wide field and we encourage submissions from diverse areas of practice and settings including business, health, education and government.

Topics covered include:

Aspects of information management in learning organisations, health care (patients as well health workers and managers), business intelligence, security in organizations, social interactions and community development, knowledge management, information design and delivery, information for health care, Information for knowledge creation, legal and regulatory issues, IS-enabled innovations in information, content and knowledge management, philosophical and methodological approaches to information management research, new and emerging agendas for information research and reflective accounts of professional practice.

International Journal of Information Management is the companion title to the open access journal International Journal of Information Management Data Insights.

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Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-11
Special Issues
Special Issue on Human-Centered Generative AI
Submission Date: 2024-10-30

The rapid advancement of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) has opened up a plethora of possibilities for how we live, work and learn (Brynjolfsson et al., 2023; Dwivedi et al., 2023a; Nah et al., 2023). GAI are a class of algorithms capable of generating new content. Based on questions and prompts GAI tools can generate text, code (e.g. ChatGPT) or images (e.g., MidJourney). Other GAIs specialize in producing audio and video (e.g., Synthesia). The quality of the output, and the widespread availability of these tools, was unimaginable only a few years ago. On the one hand, these developments have spurred a range of innovations, business opportunities and efficiencies (Gartner, 2023), drawing researchers to study its role and impact on business, society, and individuals (Budhwar et al., 2023; Dwivedi et al., 2023b; Richey et al., 2023; Susarla et al., 2023; Van Dis et al., 2023; Wamba et al., 2023). On the other hand, their accelerated pace of development has made it difficult for business and society to adapt, leading to uncertainty and unanticipated dilemmas. These include concerns around the misuse of GAI, issues with data privacy, overreliance on GAI content as fact and the challenges associated with verifying GAI content, as well as the inherent biases and “hallucinations” of such systems (Ji et al., 2023; Mukherjee and Chang, 2023). More broadly, there are significant concerns about the impact of GAI on job displacement and the potential for exacerbating divides between people who can make use of the technology and those who cannot. Theorizing these technology-related opportunities and tensions is at the very core of Information Systems scholarship. It comes as no surprise then that there are calls for more research on challenges and opportunities and understanding how it creates new forms of value. The goal of this special issue to emphasize Human-Centered AI (HCAI) approaches that prioritize human values, needs, and abilities throughout the design, development, deployment and situated use of GAI. HCAI refers to the prospect in which the digital technologies that tremendously amplify human abilities, also empower people in remarkable ways while ensuring human control (Shneiderman, 2020). HCAI can be seen as a two-dimensional framework of automation and control. It has evolved into an approach that combines AI-based algorithms with human-centered design thinking, and influences methods, processes, and outcomes. Capel and Brereton (2023) provide a mapping of the literature in HCAI, highlighting among others, Shneiderman’s work, which, has been the foundation for many studies that take an HCAI perspective. Based on their review, they define HCAI as: Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence utilizes data to empower and enable its human users, while revealing its underlying values, biases, limitations, and the ethics of its data gathering and algorithms to foster ethical, interactive, and contestable use (Capel and Brereton 2023). This special issues recognizes that a human centred mindset is crucial for the responsible design, development, and deployment of AI (Vassilakopoulou et al., 2022). GAI can have a dual role, sometimes being part of the problem or facilitating solutions to existing problems (Veit and Thatcher, 2023; Pappas et al., 2023). As HCAI puts humans at the center, it emphasizes that the next frontier of AI is not just technological but also humanistic and ethical (Stahl & Eke, 2024). This ensures that the GAI models developed and deployed are designed with human values, ethics, and user experience in mind, and that they are used in ways that are socially beneficial and responsible. This involves considering the implications of the technology from multiple perspectives, including the user, the developer, and society as a whole. Placing humans at the center allows the creation of AI systems that are more inclusive, trustworthy, and aligned with human values and goals (Schoenherr et al., 2023; Shneiderman, 2020). For research, studying or advancing human-centred GAI ensures that IS research has societal impact, is relevant and meaningful (Burton-Jones et al., 2023; Karanasios, 2022; Majchrzak et al., 2014). Given the nascent stage of GAI in practice, promoting a human-centered approach to GAI allows for IS research to go beyond postliminary institutionalization of technology. Rather it encourages a proactive exploration of the theoretical understanding how to ‘do’ human-centered GAI and its practical applications and benefits. We invite researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to submit their articles for a special issue dedicated to exploring the opportunities, challenges, and implications of human-centered GAI. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, human-centered GAI situated in use as well as GAI under design, ethical considerations, data protection and privacy, content moderation, and the development of policies and frameworks for human-centered GAI. Designing GAI systems for a positive user experience: What are the principles and best practices for creating generative models that are user-friendly, accessible, and beneficial? The role of human-centered design in preventing misuse of GAI: How can a human-centered approach help to prevent the creation and propagation of harmful or misleading content? Ensuring inclusivity in human-centered GAI: How can we ensure that these systems are designed to be inclusive and equitable for users from diverse backgrounds and abilities? The impact of human-centered GAI on content creation and consumption: How will these systems transform the way we create and consume content, and what are the implications for industries such as media, entertainment, and marketing? The role of user feedback and control in human-centered GAI systems: How can we give users more control over the content generated by AI, and how can user feedback be used to improve these systems? Regulatory considerations for human-centered GAI: Regulatory challenges associated with the development and deployment of these systems, and how can they be addressed? The future of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with GAI: How can human-centered GAI transform the way we interact with computers and other digital devices? Ethical considerations in the development and deployment of human-centered AI systems: How can we ensure that these systems respect human values, privacy, and autonomy? Developing new theories or enhancing existing theoretical frameworks: How humans interact with Generative Artificial Intelligence. Guest editors: Ilias Pappas, University of Agder and Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Stan Karanasios, University of Queensland, Australia Bonnie Nardi, University of California Irvine, USA Lionel Robert, University of Michigan, USA Manuscript submission information: Manuscripts should be submitted online at Submissions may follow the author guidelines of International Journal of Information Management: of-information-management/0268-4012/guide-for-authors Please select “VSI: Human-Centered GAI” when submitting your manuscript to this special issue and indicate the actual article type in the cover letter. Initial paper submission deadline: October 30th, 2024 First round authors notification: December 2024 Invited revisions deadline: March 2025 Second round authors notification: May 2025 Final revision deadline: July 2025 Final authors notification: September 2025 Keywords: Artificial Intelligence Generative AI human-centered AI
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-11
Special Issue on Lights and shadows of generative AI for individuals, organizations, and society
Submission Date: 2024-11-30

Lights and shadows of generative AI for individuals, organizations, and society" explores the multifaceted impacts of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) and related technologies on various domains. This special issue delves into both the advantages and potential pitfalls of GenAI, touching upon its profound influence on individuals, businesses, and society at large. It examines the integration of AI in business strategies across different sectors, highlighting how AI's increasing sophistication is transforming marketplaces and decision-making processes. The issue also addresses the ethical implications and challenges arising from AI adoption, underscoring the need for a balanced approach to harness GenAI's full potential while mitigating its risks. Guest editors: Dr. Carlos Flavián University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain Dr. Luis V. Casaló University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain Dr. Russell Belk York University, Toronto, Canada Dr. Ulrike Gretzel University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, United States of America Dr. Jochen Wirtz National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore. Special issue information: This special issue aims to address not only the key benefits but also the major potential drawbacks for individuals, organizations, and societies of recent advances in generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) and other advanced AI-powered technologies (e.g., autonomous robots, predictive analytics) across varied service and consumption contexts. Motivation The recent rapid development of GenAI and its application in various industries has been unstoppable and is expected to have dramatic impact on individuals, organizations, and societies (Dwivedi et al., 2023a). AI has been incorporated into digital business strategies, including applications such as expert systems, machine learning, robotics, natural language processing, machine vision, or speech recognition (Bornet et al., 2021; Collins et al., 2021). Implementation of AI-powered technologies such as service robots, chatbots, smart speakers, and other intelligent assistants already deliver new services (Borges et al., 2021) and increasingly interact with customers in the frontline (Gursoy et al., 2019; Wirtz et al., 2018) in various sectors such as banking (e.g., Flavián et al., 2022), hospitality and tourism (e.g., Schepers et al., 2022; Dwivedi et al. 2023b), or healthcare (e.g., Wirtz et al., 2021). AI is becoming increasingly more sophisticated, according to the levels proposed by Huang and Rust (2018), includes not only mechanical but also analytical, intuitive, and empathetic skills. As a result, the implementation of AI in business is transforming the marketplace (Bock et al., 2020) and affecting decision-making (Akdim et al., 2023; Duan et al., 2019). GenAI is expected to accelerate these developments. From a company perspective, AI implementation can generate value via process automation, improved decision-making, and customer engagement (Borges et al., 2021; Wirtz et al., 2023a). Therefore, the success of AI initiatives is based on their expected benefits, for example, customer experience, service quality, and productivity (Wirtz et al., 2021). However, previous studies have also noted that users can experience not only benefits, but also costs derived from the interaction with AI applications (Puntoni et al., 2021; Wirtz et al., 2023b). Similarly, the use of AI in business strategy still holds several open questions (Borges et al., 2021). Therefore, it is not surprising that previous studies have suggested that the development of new AI applications presents many challenges (Dwivedi et al., 2021; Belk, et al. 2023; Mariani et al., 2023). Similarly, recent advances in the field of AI (e.g., generative AI) offer not only new opportunities but have also raised several concerns (e.g., Mustak et al. 2023). GenAI produces new content in the form of human-like discourse (Wong et al., 2023), and the use of GenAI models and systems is becoming widespread. ChatGPT, which is probably the most well-known GenAI tool, generates personalized responses to users’ messages or questions based on the user input (Dwivedi et al., 2023a). GenAI may have great implications for business practice (Peres et al., 2023) in several sectors, such as banking (Dwivedi et al., 2023), travel and tourism (Wong et al., 2023), or health care (The Lancet Regional Health-Europe, 2023), as well as in activities such as marketing and management (Dwivedi et al., 2023a; Kshetri et al., 2023). Therefore, there is a need to understand GenAI applications and their positive and negative consequences for consumers, companies, and the society. In addition, previous literature has identified several ethical implications (e.g., related to fairness, privacy, security, etc.) in the context of AI use (Ashok et al., 2022; Wirtz et al., 2023b) that still require further analysis from several perspectives. In summary, the widespread use of GenAI across domains offers opportunities and challenges that need to be effectively understood to take full advantage of its benefits. It also requires implementing measures to mitigate the possible negative effects associated with its potential risks and threats. This dual approach will ensure that the adoption of GenAI remains aligned with ethical, practical and sustainable standards, thereby enabling greater innovation, efficiency, and positive change. Potential illustrative research questions This special issue invites proposals focused not only on the challenges and opportunities, but also on the risks and threats associated with the widespread use of GenAI. Opportunities and challenges What is the effect of using GenAI and other new AI applications in business practices? Are there differences across industries and sectors (e.g., banking, hospitality and tourism, healthcare)? What are the main challenges and long-term benefits of using GenAI and other new AI applications in the contexts of teaching, academic research, and business practice? How can GenAI and other new AI applications be used to address global challenges (e.g., Sustainable Development Goals)? What are the main determinants and barriers to consumers’ and managers’ adoption of GenAI and other new AI applications? How does the use of GenAI and other new AI applications affect customer and manager decision making? How can GenAI contribute to personalization and efficiency in the communication and advertising processes? How does the use of GenAI and other new AI applications affect the different stages of the customer journey (e.g., pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase)? How can GenAI and other forms of AI improve the customer or user experience? How might reliance on GenAI enhance or limit human creativity and critical thinking in different fields? How can specific individuals (e.g., people with disabilities) benefit from the use of GenAI and other new AI applications? Risks and threats What are the key digital ethical issues (e.g., fairness, biases, privacy, security) caused by the use of GenAI and its algorithms? How could these ethical issues be mitigated? How can the use of GenAI applications for manipulation of the public opinion and consumer decision making be reduced or even avoided? How is GenAI and other new AI applications affecting the labor market? Will employees be replaced by GenAI and how? How might differences in access to and use of GenAI exacerbate social and economic inequalities? What are potential contextual conditions (e.g., country and organizational cultures) that shape how individuals and organizations use GenAI and other new AI applications? What challenges do GenAI applications pose for existing legal and regulatory frameworks, and how might legal frameworks be developed to address GenAI-related risks? Expected types of analysis and context of study We welcome submissions focused on varied sectors and environments (e.g., healthcare, education, banking, hospitality, and tourism). We especially welcome papers that include multiple studies (combining at least two studies to overcome the limitations of a quantitative cross-sectional analysis), longitudinal studies, and studies that employ mixed methods (combining qualitative and quantitative). Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). Keywords Generative AI, GenAI, benefits, dark side, consumer-AI interaction, AI in business strategy, AI in information systems, responsible AI. Manuscript submission information: Submit your manuscript via International Journal of Information Management submission portal system and select the appropriate Special Issue “VSI: Lights and shadows of Gen AI”. Manuscript submissions will be handled as per the editorial policy and author guidelines specified by the International Journal of Information Management. Any queries can be directed to the corresponding executive guest editor: Submission window: 1 September 2024 - 30 November 2024 Keywords: Generative AI, GenAI, benefits, dark side, consumer-AI interaction, AI in business strategy, AI in information systems, responsible AI
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-11
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