Conference Information
UCMA 2015: International Conference Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Applications Date: |
2015-05-10 |
Notification Date: |
2015-05-30 |
Conference Date: |
2015-06-21 |
Location: |
Porto, Portugal |
Years: |
6 |
Viewed: 12621 Tracked: 1 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering is emerging rapidly as an exciting new paradigm to provide computing life services any time, anywhere. Our Conference provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of multimedia and ubiquitous environment including models and systems, new directions, novel applications associated with the utilization, and acceptance of ubiquitous computing devices and systems. Topics of Conference Topics of relevance include but are not limited to the following areas. Excellent surveying works in these areas are welcome, too. 1. Ubiquitous Computing and Beyond - Ubiquitous Computing and Technology - Ambient and Artificial Intelligence - Context-Aware Ubiquitous Computing - Parallel/Distributed/Grid Computing - Novel Machine Architectures - Semantic Web and Knowledge Grid - Smart Home and Natural Interfaces 2. Multimedia Modeling and Processing - AI and Soft Computing in Multimedia - Computer Graphics and Simulation - Content-Based Image Retrieval / QBE - Medical Image and Signal Processing - Multimedia Indexing and Compression - Virtual Reality and Game Technology - Current Challenges in Multimedia 3. Ubiquitous Services and Applications - Protocols for Ubiquitous Services - Ubiquitous Database Methodologies - Ubiquitous Application Interfaces - IPv6 Foundations and Applications - Smart Home Network Middleware - Ubiquitous Sensor Networks / RFID - U-Commerce and Other Applications - Cloud Computing and its Applications 4. Multimedia Service and Applications - Multimedia RDBMS Platforms - Multimedia in Telemedicine - Multimedia Embedded Systems - Entertainment Industry - E-Commerce and E-Learning - Novel Multimedia Applications - Multimedia and Digital Media 5. Computer Graphics and Applications - Computer Graphics in Industry - 2D and 3D ApplicatoinsComputational Photography - Computer Animation and Simulation - Computer Vision - Data Compression for Graphics - Geometric Computing - Graphic Toolkits - Graphics Systems Architecture - Image Based Rendering and Rendering Techniques - Interaction and HCI - Point-based Graphics - Shape and Surface Modeling - Virtual Reality - Augmented Reality - Web Graphics 6. Security - Security in Commerce and Industry - Security in Ubiquitous Databases - Key Management and Authentication - Privacy in Ubiquitous Environment - Sensor Networks and RFID Security - Information Security and Network Security - Forensics and Image Watermarking 7. Broadcasting and Applications - ATT U-verse - Broadband over Powerline - Digital Content Creation and Distribution - DMB - DRM and CA - Game on Demand - Haptic interfaces, new interfaces - HomePNA - Human factors, human machine interfaces - Interactive broadcasting and Interactive TV - Internet TV, IPTV, Satellite IPTV and Mobile TV - Media Center Solutions and Media technology - Online Video - Tracking, sensors - Virtual set environments - WiMAX 8. Networking and Communications - Telecommunications - Communication protocols - Algorithms, Architecture, and Infrastructures - Transmission Techniques - Communication Systems - Network Systems and Devices - Wireless Networks, Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks - Network Modeling and Simulation - Network Management Techniques - Networks Security, Encryption and Cryptography 9. Control and Automation - Access Control - Robotics and Applications - Sensors and Signal Processing - Control Theory and Applications - Intelligent Systems - Biomedical Engineering Systems - Process Control, Monitoring, Design and Optimization, Automation - Industrial Applications Control - Devices and Instruments - Navigation, Guidance and Control - Information and Networking - Manufacturing Systems and Automation 10. Bio-science and Bio-technology - Bioelectronics and Biorobotics - Bioinformatics and Bioengineering - Bioinspired Information Technology - Biometrics and its application - Biomedicine and Medical Informatics - Hybrid research between Bio-technology and IT 11. Civil and Environmental Engineering - Architectural Design - Atmosphere/Energy - Construction Engineering & Management - Design-Construction Integration - Sustainable Design and Construction - Environmental Engineering & Science - Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology - Structural Engineering & Geomechanics 12. Hybrid and Fusion Research - Hybrid, Convergence, and Fusion Research between two or more areas - Joint Research among Science, Engineering and Humanities 13. Others
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-04-07
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Related Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | Intelligent Networks and Systems Society | 2185-310X | ||
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b | IEEE Transactions on Robotics | 9.400 | IEEE | 1552-3098 |
c | SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics | SIAM | 0895-4801 | |
c | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management | 4.700 | IEEE | 1932-4537 |
Journal on Data Semantics | Springer | 1861-2032 | ||
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A | 0.900 | Elsevier | 0097-3165 | |
Operations Research and Applications: An International Journal | AIRCC | 2393-8463 | ||
c | IET Communications | 1.500 | IET | 1751-8628 |
Computers & Operations Research | 4.100 | Elsevier | 0305-0548 |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | Intelligent Networks and Systems Society | |
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools | 1.000 | World Scientific |
IEEE Transactions on Robotics | 9.400 | IEEE |
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics | SIAM | |
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Journal on Data Semantics | Springer | |
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A | 0.900 | Elsevier |
Operations Research and Applications: An International Journal | AIRCC | |
IET Communications | 1.500 | IET |
Computers & Operations Research | 4.100 | Elsevier |