Conference Information
I2CT 2024: International Conference for Convergence in Technology
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Pune, India
Viewed: 20019   Tracked: 2   Attend: 4

Call For Papers
The theme for 9th I2CT 2024 is convergence in Innovative Technology – researchers and engineers will be brought together from academia and industry, and they will freely expose their ideas and opinions on emerging issues in the field of electrical, electronics and computer engineering as well as information technologies.

Prospective authors are invited to submit full paper with six- seven pages in double-column IEEE conference format via the conference website. More information on about paper format and guidelines for paper submission can be found at the conference website.

“Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements”

For quality purpose we follow rules as per IEEE Criteria:

Please refer to the following document which will provide clarification on the IEEE’s criteria
We welcome submissions for I2CT  technical program in the following areas and not limited to:

Track 1: Data Science & Engineering

    Big Data Analytics
    High Performance Computing
    Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
    Data Centric Programming
    Data Modeling & Semantic Engineering
    Data, Text, Web Mining, & Visualization
    Domain Specific Data Management
    Knowledge Engineering

Track 2: Computing Technologies

    Programming Languages
    Computing Architectures and Systems
    Computer Graphics, Vision and Animation
    Software and Database System
    Multimedia Engineering
    Networks, IoT and Cyber Security
    Cluster, Cloud, & Grid Computing

Track 3: Computational Intelligence

    Data Mining
    Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    Meta heuristic algorithms
    Machine Learning
    Business Intelligence
    Human Computer Interface
    Crowd Sourcing & Social Intelligence

Track 4: Communication & Networking

    Green Communications
    Wireless Communications and Networks
    Optical Communications and Networks
    Modulation and Coding Techniques
    Ad-hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks
    Vehicular Networks
    Cellular Networks

Track 5: Signal & Image Processing

    Image / Video / Multimedia Signal Processing
    Audio / Speech / Spoken Language Processing
    Digital & Multirate Signal Processing
    Signal Processing Algorithms and Architectures
    Pattern Recognition and Object Tracking
    Compressive Sensing and High-Dimensional Statistics

Track 6: RF Circuits, Systems and Antennas

    Antennas, Propagation and Computational EM
    RF/Millimeter-wave Circuits and Systems
    THz, Micro Wave and RF Systems for Communications
    Materials and Structures
    Microwave Metrology
    RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology

Track 7: Devices, Circuits, Materials and Processing

    Electronic devices, materials and fabrication process
    Device modeling & characterization
    Advanced CMOS devices and process
    Beyond CMOS device technology
    Emerging memory technologies
    Analog and mixed signal ICs
    MEMS and semiconductor sensors

Track 8: Power, Energy and Power Electronics

    Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
    Renewable Energy Sources and Technology
    High Voltage Engineering, HVDC-FACTS
    Switching Circuits & Power Converters
    Power System Monitoring, Control and Protection
    Micro Grids& Distributed Generation
    Control Communication and Monitoring of Smart Grid
    Energy Storage System

Track 9: Robotics, Control, Instrumentation and Automation

    Humanoid robots
    Mobile robotics
    Space and underwater robots
    Control system modeling
    Intelligent control, Neuro-control, Fuzzy control and their applications
    Networked control systems
    Instrumentation systems
    Industrial automation

Track 10: Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare Technologies

    Biomedical Signal Processing and Instrumentation
    Wearable Sensors for Health care monitoring
    Biomedical Imaging
    Micro/Nano-bioengineering and Cellular/Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials
    Computational Systems, Modeling and Simulation in Medicine
    Biomedical and Health Informatics

Papers from other topics relevant to conference theme or the special sessions are also welcome. Submission of papers shall be through conference website, Paper Submission.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-11-11
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