Conference Information
ICRESG 2023: International Conference on Renewable Energy and Smart Grid
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Tianjin, China
Viewed: 13365   Tracked: 1   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
ICRESG 2023 is now accepting manuscript submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft paper to conference through Electronic Submission System. The submitted paper should be in PDF format.

The topics of interest are included below, but not limited to: 

Renewable Energy

※Renewable (Green) Energy Systems and Sources (RESSs) as Wind Power, Hydropower, Solar Energy, Biomass, Biofuel, Geothermal Energy, Wave Energy, Tidal energy, Hydrogen & Fuel Cells, Energy Storage
※New Trends and Technologies for RESSs
※Policies and Strategies for RESSs
※Energy Transformation from Renewable Energy System (RES) to Grid
※Novel Energy Conversion Studies for RESs
※Power Devices and Driving Circuits for RESs
※Control Techniques for RESs
※Grid Interactive Systems Used in Hybrid RESs
※Performance Analysis of RESs
※Hybrid RESSs
※Decision Support Systems for RESSs
※Renewable Energy Research and Applications for Industries
※RESSs for Electrical Vehicles and Components
※Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Studies for RESs and Applications
※Computational Methods for RESSs
※Energy Savings for Vehicular Technology, Power Electronics, Electric Machinery and Control, etc.
※New Approaches in Lightings
※Public Awareness and Education for Renewable Energy and Systems
※Reliability and Maintenance in RESSs
※Smart grids and RESSs
※Safety and Security of RESSs
※Renewable Energy Systems in Smart Cities
※Future Challenges and Directions for RESSs

Smart Grid

※Smart grid technologies (for power generation, transmission and distribution systems, and energy conversion and storage devices).
※Smart grid communication and information technologies
※Distributed generation and micro-grid
※Electric vehicle charging technology and system integration
※Micro-grid applications and islanding operation
※Smart grid measurements, protection, control and operation
※Physical, cyber and system security for smart grid
※Computation intelligence and IEDs for smart grids
※Sensing, communication and smart metering infrastructures
※Demand side management, smart buildings and home automation
※Diagnostics, self-healing and reliability of smart grids
※Power quality issues and FACTS devices
※Electricity markets, incentives, regulation and pricing
※Smart grid interoperability, standards and codes
※Demand response and management through smart grid technology
※Renewable energy integration and storage
※Smart grid planning, economic, environment and policy issues
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-05-31
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