Conference Information
Hypertext 2019: ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media Date: |
2019-04-14 |
Notification Date: |
Conference Date: |
2019-09-17 |
Location: |
Hof, Germany |
Years: |
30 |
CORE: a QUALIS: a2 Viewed: 18317 Tracked: 3 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
CONFERENCE SCOPE The ACM Hypertext conference is a premium venue for high quality peer-reviewed research on hypertext theory, systems and applications. It is concerned with all aspects of modern hypertext research including social media, semantic web, dynamic and computed hypertext and hypermedia as well as narrative systems and applications. The theme of Hypertext 2019 is “HYPERTEXT – TEAR DOWN THE WALL”. This motto of the 30th ACM Hypertext conference goes hand in hand with the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Inspired by the historical events in Germany, Hypertext 2019 aims at reunifying different hypertext research directions and communities. Therefore, apart from the regular research tracks, Hypertext 2019 will feature a research track on 30 Years Hypertext as well as an exhibition/creative track. 2019 will also be the 30th anniversary of the WWW. It is a perfect time to join in, reflect our common roots, and discuss how we can jointly address our current and future challenges. The conference will take place at the Institute of Information Systems (iisys) at Hof University, Germany. Hof lies midway between Frankfurt and Prague, Munich and Berlin and is very close to the former German-German border, in particular to the village of Mödlareuth, called “little Berlin”, which used to be divided by a wall. After exactly 20 years, Hypertext 2019 will take place in Germany again for the 2nd time. Hypertext 2019 is co-locating with the Adaptivity and User Modeling Workshop (ABIS’19), taking place on Sep 16 at Hof University, and with ACM Document Engineering Conference (DocEng’19) organized in Berlin, Germany, between Sep 23–16. SUBMISSION CATEGORIES AND DEADLINES Papers must report new results substantiated by experimentation, simulation, analysis, or application. Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original, not previously published works. Art and creative work is also welcome as part of the exhibition/creative track. Submission categories include: SUBMISSION DEADLINE “REGULAR”: 14 April 2019 Regular research papers (max 10 pages) discussing mature work. Short papers (max 5 pages) describing preliminary results of on-going work or novel thought-provoking ideas. Doctoral consortium submissions (max 4 pages + CV) describing the work of the graduate student and a CV in order to provide some background information about the graduate student. SUBMISSION DEADLINE “LATE BREAKING/DEMOS/EXHIBITION”: 19 May 2019 Late breaking (max 2 pages, presented as poster) presenting innovative research ideas, or preliminary results. Demos (max 2 pages) presenting system prototypes or industry showcases. Exhibition or creative track submissions (max 2 pages) describing the proposed exhibition or creative work. Accepted submissions will appear in the Hypertext 2019 Conference Proceedings that will be published by ACM via the ACM Digital Library. CONFERENCE MAIN TRACKS TRACK 1: HYPERTEXT INFRASTRUCTURES AND COMPUTATION Track Chair: Manolis Tzagarakis, University of Patras, Greece (@tzagara) This track encourages the submissions of papers on, but is not limited to: Hypertext infrastructures Information structures and architectures Intelligence in hypertext Hypertext and data science Adaptive hypertext frameworks and toolkits User modeling and personalization Mobile hypertext systems Hypermedia information retrieval Knowledge management and engineering Decisions support systems Link computation or predictions TRACK 2: USER INTERFACES AND HYPERTEXT STRUCTURES Track Chair: Beat Signer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (@beatsigner) This track encourages the submissions of papers on, but is not limited to: Interacting with hypertext Data visualization and navigation Hypertext structure domains (e.g., node-link structures, spatial hypertext, taxonomic hypertext, argumentation structures) Interaction devices used in combination with hypertext systems (e.g., VR glasses, smart whiteboards, mobile devices) Visual analytics and hypertext User experience TRACK 3: WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA Track Chair: Luigi Di Caro, University of Turin, Italy This track encourages the submissions of papers on, but is not limited to: Semantic web and linked data Data mining on the Web Link analysis on the Web Privacy and trust on the Web Web security Crowdsourcing for Web Web scalability Link prediction on the Web Social network analysis Cultural studies related to the Web Social media TRACK 4: HYPERTEXT LITERATURE, GAMES AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES Track Chair: Jill Walker Rettberg, University of Bergen, Norway (@jilltxt) This track encourages the submissions of papers on, but is not limited to: Hyperfiction and storytelling Gaming and gamification Automated analysis of narratives Automated story or (semantic) link generation Hypertext and digital humanities Digital journalism and citizen/collaborative news Electronic literature Hypermedia authoring Interactive fiction and storytelling Intelligent narratives Theory of hypertext narratives Hypertext and communication theory TRACK 5: SPECIAL TRACK – 30 YEARS HYPERTEXT Track Chair: Peter Nürnberg, USA We invite submissions of a broad range of research focusing on reflections on or retrospectives of hypertext approaches and systems. Those should focus on “forgotten” issues, beneficial features, system behavior, or theories that were discovered, but are ignored by current systems. Contributions should be visionary and discuss those old ideas with a strong focus on today’s information systems; they should conclude where and to which extent previously discovered ideas would enhance our current or future applications. ADDITIONAL TRACKS POSTER SESSION Chair: Ujwal Gadiraju, L3S Research Center, Germany (@UjLaw) Posters and demos will be presented during the conference. They target research and showcases in the above mentioned areas. EXHIBITION/CREATIVE TRACK Chair: Mark Bernstein, Eastgate Systems, Inc., USA (@eastgate) Curator: Dene Grigar, Washington State University Vancouver, USA (@dgrigar) The conference will include a creative track and exhibition, with readings and performances, workshops, demonstrations of both novel and historical systems, and innovative new work in electronic art and literature. For the creative track, we invite submissions from all disciplines that engage with the expressive potential of hypertext, the link, and of social media-particularly those that address the conference theme of “tear down the wall”. The curated exhibition seeks hypertextual works of any length that explore new artistic forms, or that respond to or engage with older electronic literature. We are especially interested in location-aware and locative work that can be read in or near the conference site. We are open to work on any platform. Questions regarding creative work for the exhibition may be addressed to the curator. Limited travel funds and bursaries may be available, as well as assistance and support for installation on site. Proposals for papers, panels, master-classes, workshops, and creative work for the exhibition should be submitted by 19 May 2019.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-01-22
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