Conference Information
HCCAI 2020: IEEE International Conference on Humanized Computing and Communication with Artificial Intelligence
Submission Date:
2020-07-24 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Irvine, California, USA
Viewed: 7319   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is concerned with computing technologies that allow machines to move, see, hear, talk, think, learn, behave, and connect like humans. Humanized Computing and Communication (HCC) address the ability of a computer to mimic a human in perception, conversation, behavior, communication, and more importantly the integration and coordination of the above abilities. The huge potential of HCC represents an exciting future for individuals and businesses. In addition, business-business, business-human, and human-human may be interconnected in a revolutionary way to stimulate tremendous amount of interesting activities. 

The Second IEEE International Conference of Humanized Computing and Communication with Artificial Intelligence (HCCAI 2020) is an international forum for academia and industries to exchange visions and ideas in the state of the art and practice of HCCAI, as well as to identify the emerging topics and define the future of HCCAI. 

TOPICS OF INTEREST​​ include, but are not limited to:​

    Classic AI including reasoning, planning, knowledge representation, and problem solving
    Visual Computing including machine vision
    Conversational Computing including natural language processing and understanding
    Expressions and emotions
    Models of human communication and interactions
    Models of human and social behaviors
    Communicating agents 
    Social agents and AI
    Interactions and integration of visual, conversational, behavioral, and social AI
    Artificial consciousness
    Robotic intelligence, human-robot and multi-robot communication
    Hardware design and support for HCC

The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Xplore® and/or IEEE Computer Society Press digital library. Distinguished quality papers presented at the conference will be selected for the best paper/poster awards and for publication in internationally renowned journals (SCI, EI, and/or Scopus indexed).
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-07-04
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