Journal Information
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics emphasizes the algorithmic, mathematical, statistical and computational methods that are central in bioinformatics and computational biology; the development and testing of effective computer programs in bioinformatics; the development of biological databases; and important biological results that are obtained from the use of these methods, programs and databases; the emerging field of Systems Biology, where many forms of data are used to create a computer-based model of a complex biological system.

The publication represents a mixture of three research modalities: a) fundamental methodological, algorithmic, mathematical and statistical research directly motivated by biological issues; b) papers focusing on experimental and implementation issues; and c) papers on serious application of methods and programs that lead to discoveries of biological significance. Increasingly, papers contain elements of all three modalities. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, sequence analysis, comparison and alignment methods; motif, gene and signal recognition; molecular evolution; phylogenetics and phylogenomics; determination or prediction of the structure of RNA and Protein in two and three dimensions; DNA twisting and folding; gene expression and gene regulatory networks; deduction of metabolic pathways; micro-array design and analysis; proteomics; functional genomics; molecular docking and drug design; computational problems in genetics such as linkage and QTL analysis, linkage disequilibrium analysis in populations, and haplotype determination; systems biology.


ACM is a financial cosponsor, and technical cosponsors are the IEEE Control Systems Society and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

Additional Information

TCBB is a bimonthly journal that publishes archival research results related to the algorithmic, mathematical, statistical, and computational methods that are central in bioinformatics and computational biology.

While the orientation of the transactions is on computational issues, at the same time, the journal must insist that the papers have a genuine connection to biology and not just concern computational problems that are “motivated” by biology. As the field matures, it is expected that a large percentage of the papers in the journal will validate new methods and ideas with real or realistically simulated data. It will be common for papers to be the product of joint research by computationally oriented researchers together with biologists.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-25
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