Conference Information
Scopus-DIT 2020: International Conference on Development of Internet of Things
Submission Date:
2020-02-25 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Shanghai, China
Viewed: 8461   Tracked: 5   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
The topics of DIT 2020 is include, but are not limited to :

Architectures for IoT
Internet of Things Architecture:
 Novel information architecture design on field, edge, and cloud devices; object access and networking technology; investigation of technologies that support the mobility of functions and executions across system entities.
Web Technologies for the IoT:
Web-based discovery, search, and service composition to facilitate interactions between devices on the IoT and with users.
Integration of Physical and Virtual Artifacts and Events:
Advanced object identification, classification, and localization
Description and Discovery of IoT devices, including mobile and moving devices:
Ontologies and data models for the description and discovery of mobile systems and applications, including autonomous systems and wearable, urban or sensory computing devices.
IoT applications
Real World Applications of IoT technology: 
Evaluation of challenges of real world deployments of Smart Cities, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet, and GS1 implementations, including planned deployments (e.g., in advanced Manufacturing and Logistics).
Physical World Event Processing and Understanding:
Novel data collection, deep learning, reality mining, and prediction methods based on physical world observations. This might include real-time decision making, event processing, and extracting information from large datasets.
Internet of Things and implications for user modeling:
Holistic user model based on IoT-enabled data gathering, novel personalized intelligent services and applications based on user model

Human-Object Interactions
IoT Interactions: 
Novel methods and techniques for seamless human-to-object interactions, including Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality interactions, Tangible and Gestural Interfaces.
Novel affordances for IoT and Smart Objects: 
Design of novel affordance for IoT-based smart objects

Object-Object Interactions
Interoperability of IoT Systems:
Service discovery and composition, synchronization in distributed systems, overcoming siloization of IoT systems, semantic data description frameworks.
Object-objects Interactions:
methods and protocols for co-operations and coordination among objects, social internet of things, trust among objects
Privacy/security in IoT
Social Acceptance of IoT Systems:
Data security, authentication and authorization. Privacy protection, data sharing technologies (incl. blockchain technology), tampering protection and detection in IoT systems.
Privacy/Security/Real-Time Fault Correction: 
Ensure privacy across integrated and wireless IoT systems while also being resilient to attackers.
Last updated by Max Chen in 2020-02-06
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