Conference Information
IDEAL 2023: International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning
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Conference Date:
Evora, Portugal
CORE: c   QUALIS: b2   Viewed: 25200   Tracked: 16   Attend: 6

Call For Papers
The International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL) is an annual international conference dedicated to emerging and challenging topics in intelligent data analytics and associated learning systems and paradigms. Following the recent successful events: IDEAL2022 (hybrid) Manchester, IDEAL2021 (virtual), IDEAL2020 in Guimarães (virtual), IDEAL2019 in Manchester, and IDEAL 2018 in Madrid, the 24rd edition, IDEAL2023 will be taking place in Évora, Portugal. Its core themes or topics include, but not limited to:

* Big Data Analytics
* Machine Learning & Deep Learning
* Data Mining
* Information Retrieval and Management
* Bio and Neuro-Informatics
* Bio-Inspired Models
* Agents and Hybrid Intelligent Systems
* Real-world Applications of Intelligent Techniques
* Special Sessions & Workshops

You are welcome to submit a proposal for a Special Session or Workshop on a focused, active or emerging topic in the scope of IDEAL.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-05-07
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