Conference Information
CyCon 2015: International Conference on Cyber Conflict
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Tallinn, Estonia
Viewed: 11872   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The conference solicits original unpublished research, applications and experience papers on the following or other topics relevant to the construction of the Internet and its potential future development.

International cooperation – International relations
Norms development (international treaties, legal framework, etc.)
Governance (e.g. the role of states, IOs, NGOs, technical boards, ISPs, etc.)
Borders in cyberspace (e.g. territoriality, sovereignty, technical implementation of borders and boundaries, etc.)
Cyber world order (e.g. virtual multilateralism, new communities, etc.)

Technical challenges/requirements
Cryptographic dogma? (e.g. key security, strength of algorithms, etc.)
Future Connectivity and the Internet of Things (e.g. net neutrality, future backbone, new network technologies, etc.)
Big data (e.g. big data management, interpretation and evaluation, etc.)
Technical protocols (e.g. IPv6, 5G, WWW 3.0, etc.)
Operating systems (e.g. multi-core / virtual-core, distributed OS, etc.)

Conflict in cyberspace
Development and engagement of cyber assets (e.g. enforcement, military capacities, research and education, etc.)
Doctrine and strategies (e.g. state actors in cyberspace, cyber policy, etc.)
Prevention (e.g. early warning, confidence building measures, etc.)
Crisis management (e.g. contingency planning, resilience, etc.)
Arms race (e.g. cyber arms complex, “code war”, etc.)

Regulation – standards

Privacy and personal data protection (e.g. profiling, “right to be forgotten”, etc.)
Security strategies (e.g. implementation frameworks, metrics, etc.)
Technical implementation standards (e.g. RFCs, IEEE, ISO, etc.)
Intellectual property (e.g. copyright and digital rights management, etc.)
Legal developments (e.g. public international law, “Tallinn Manual 2.0”, “cyber crime act”, etc.)


Social networks and Online Communities (e.g. social network merging, “blog wars”, etc.)
Digital economy (e.g. E-Commerce, automated trade, etc.)
Identities (e.g. “virtual me”, E-IDs, avatars, etc.)
Health (e.g. quantified self, etc.)
Politics (e.g. citizenship, revolutions, democracy, etc.)
Knowledge – culture (e.g. contents vs container, creative industries, education (MOOCs), etc.)
Technical aspects of virtualisation (e.g. cloud computing, VM security, etc.)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-08-06
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