Conference Information
ICICSE 2016: International Conference on Internet Computing for Science and Engineering
Submission Date:
2016-07-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Coralville, Iowa, USA
Viewed: 11408   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The solicitation topics are mainly listed but not limited to:

    Big Data, Cloud computing systems and applications in sciences, engineering, education, environment, and medical and healthcare systems, military and defenses, etc.
    Cloud-based e-Commerce, e-Business, e-Government
    Cyber physical systems
    Computer system of systems and engineering architecture
    Intelligent information and management systems
    Large-scale data management, process, analysis, and data mining
    Network security
    The Internet of things
    Information systems for computational science and engineering
    Data mining and search in applications of computational science and engineering
    Internet-based internet computing for solving computational problems
    Cyber infrastructure-enabled Web computing in science and engineering
    Information technology for collaborative computations in science and engineering
    Web services and grid computing for cooperative computing in science and engineering
    Internet-based applications for collaborative scientific computing
    Information related data, image and signals processing, analysis, workflow, and mining.
    Internet-based statistics and data mining algorithms and applications
    Web-based learning in computational science and engineering
    Internet-based and distance learning and education, online education systems
    Internet ontology and semantics
    Internet computer-human interaction
    e-Business and e-Commerce
    Virtual Reality, Graphic computing; Graphic user interface design for scientists and engineers
    Internet-based visualization; Internet-based database integration
    Internet-based applications -based scientific computing
    Wireless computations in science and engineering
    Internet-based, distributed, parallel, P2P, and Grid computing
    Information Communications
    Wireless networks and applications
    Internet-related artificial intelligent
    Quantum Communication, Biological Communication, Molecular Communication
    Quantum Information Science, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Probability, Quantum Cognition Science and Decision

    Submission Web Site:
Last updated by Xin Yao in 2016-07-12
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