Conference Information
ACDC 2019: IET international conference on AC and DC Power Transmission
Submission Date:
2018-05-16 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Coventry, UK
Viewed: 13404   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
ACDC 2019 is your opportunity to meet and share your latest research with AC and DC specialists worldwide.

The world is moving towards a low carbon economy and renewable energy is becoming an integral part of the future energy mix. Billions of pounds are being invested in this space as the need to transmit power over longer distances, including cross-country borders is ever increasing.

The widely reported benefits of HVDC to the UK include increased security of supply, lower energy prices, carbon reduction and GDP impacts. This also impacts on the development of UK skills in the supply chain and also the positive impact on local economies during the construction phase.

ACDC power transmission technologies and projects have been gathering pace, structure and importance for the power sector. New technologies have developed with potential benefit to asset managers and system operators, particularly with regards to high voltage transmission.

What will be covered?

ACDC 2019 will examine key developments in the market, including:

    Escalation in offshore generation
    Vast distance transmission requirements
    Improvements in the reliability and efficiency of ageing grid systems

Benefits of attending:

    Gain updates on the latest advances in HVDC and HVAC technologies, including FACTS devices
    Discover the recent AC and DC projects being implemented worldwide
    Understand the challenges arising from environmental, regulatory, political and social factors, and how they impact on the development of transmission networks


There will be more than 100 sessions and posters and workshops over 3 days at ACDC2019, featuring leading researchers and industry experts from all around the world.

What people say about ACDC 2017

"I think it is a great opportunity to see recent work in power electronics and AC/DC systems and to know relevant researchers in the field. Also, I think that the combination Industry/Academy is perfect." FM Global, UK 

"The level of the conference was very good. Networking was a highlight." Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Italy

"There was a good range of information and excellent presentation of knowledge." Cardiff University, UK

Previous highlights

ACDC 2017 was one of our most successful international events and was attended by over 225 delegates. The conference covered a wide range of subjects including real implications and applications of AC and DC projects and discussion of future developments over the next five years.

There was a well-attended workshop focusing on: Using power electronics to integrate renewable generation into the grid. There was very useful panel that discussed the impact of renewable generation on the grid today and tomorrow.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-04-22
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