Conference Information
CDBDCom 2018: IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing
Submission Date:
2018-05-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Guangzhou, China
Viewed: 8726   Tracked: 4   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing (CBDCom) is a premier conference covering all aspects of cloud computing and big data. IEEE CBDCom 2018 will be held in Guangzhou during October 8-12, 2018.

IEEE CBDCom 2018 encourages submissions that present fundamental insights and contributions to the fields of cloud and big data computing. This conference also covers the latest research achievements, novel data management systems, innovative applications of cloud computing and big data technologies, and experiences in applying recent research findings to real-world problems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Cloud computing solutions and platforms
    Cloud data management and storage
    Cloud resource management and quality-of-service
    Cloud related virtualization technologies
    Big data algorithms, applications and services
    Big data cleansing, mining and analytics
    Big data processing and querying
    Big data visualization an education
    Cloud and big data for the Internet of Things (IoT)
    Government and industrial experiences for cloud and big data
    Green computing and networking for cloud and big data
    Software engineering for cloud computing and big data
    Cloud and big data intelligence
    Cloud and big data privacy and security

Submitted papers cannot be previously published nor under review by other conferences or journals. Submissions are not required to be double blind, i.e., authors can keep their names on the submitted papers. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-05-01
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cWireless Communications and Mobile ComputingHindawi1530-8669
Intelligence & RoboticsOAE Publishing2770-3541
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cInformation Retrieval1.700Springer1386-4564
cComputer Animation and Virtual Worlds0.900John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.1546-427X
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Advances in Data Analysis and Classification1.400Springer
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Journal of Machine EngineeringWroclaw Board of Scientific Technical
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Intelligence & RoboticsOAE Publishing
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering5.800IOS Press
Computers & Mathematics with Applications2.900Elsevier
Information Retrieval1.700Springer
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds0.900John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.