Conference Information
CIST 2015: International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Smart Technologies
Submission Date:
2015-05-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Beijing, China
Viewed: 12344   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
In the past several years, we have seen dramatic advancement in many application domains enabled by the use of computer and networking technologies, as well as computational intelligence algorithms and soft computing methodologies. This development has resulted in many emerging highly multi-disciplinary research areas typically termed as smart-* technologies and systems as well as computational intelligence technologies, including smart-healthcare, smart-home, smart-grid, as well as smart vehicles and intelligent transportation systems. These new technologies are transforming our society and have enormous economic impact. CIST 2015 aims to bring together researchers and engineers from all these areas to disseminate their findings and to foster a community for researchers and engineers to exchange ideas and to form collaborations to further the advancement of the state of the art of smart and intelligent technologies.


CIST 2015 welcomes original, unpublished papers on the research and development in all areas of computational intelligence for smart technologies. Topics of interest include, but not limited to, and application of computational intelligence and soft computing in the following areas:

    Smart manufacturing, such as smart and connected products, smart and connected factories and production plants, manufacturing intelligence platforms
    Smart energy, such as smart meters, distributed power flow control, power grid health monitoring and decision support, and smart grid modeling
    Smart and connected health, such as clinical decision support systems, integrated clinical environment, real-time monitoring of rehabilitation exercises, consumer health informatics, and mobile health
    Smart technologies in home applications, such as home automation systems, home security systems, and smart and connected home appliances
    Smart technologies in transportation, such as self-driving vehicles, active traffic management, smart roadside technology, and traffic-flow measurement and automatic incident detection
    Smart technologies in consumer devices, such as internet of things, fitness trackers, smart locks, smart watches, and virtual reality devices
    Computational intelligence technologies in robotics and vehicles
    Computational intelligence technologies in smart wireless communication
    Biologically-inspired intelligence in robotics and intelligent vehicles
    Cellular automata for robotics and intelligent vehicles
    Immune systems for robotics and intelligent vehicles
    Computational intelligence in smart sensors and virtual sensors
    Soft computing and smart technologies in fault diagnostics and health monitoring
    Computational intelligence and smart technologies in human and vehicle interface
    Computational intelligence and smart technologies in in-vehicle automation systems
    Computational intelligence and smart technologies in recognition and perception
    Computational intelligence technologies in embedded systems

We also welcome fundamental research on computational intelligence and soft computing that enables and facilitates new smart technologies in any of the above application domains or in other areas that we have yet to see.

Workshop Paper Submission

Interested authors can submit Full Technical Papers with maximum 6 papers, Short Position Papers or Work-in-Progress Papers with maximum 4 pages. All submissions should follow the IEEE CS format and are to be submitted as PDF via the UIC2015 submission site:

Paper Publication

Accepted and presented papers will be published by IEEE CPS (IEEE-DL and EI-indexed). At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the CIST 2015. Otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings.

One Best Paper Award and one Best Student Paper Award will be presented to high quality papers. Selected papers, after further extensions and revisions,will be recommended to journal special issues.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-04-30
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