Conference Information
PDP 2025: International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing
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Turin, Italy
CORE: c   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 29081   Tracked: 23   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
PDP is among the prime European and International conferences covering all aspects of parallel and distributed processing, ranging from theory to practice, from small to the largest parallel and distributed systems and infrastructures, from fundamental computational problems to full-fledged applications, from architecture, compiler, language and interface design and implementation, to tools, support infrastructures, and application performance aspects.

Conference Topics

We invite submissions of high-quality, novel and original research results in areas of parallel and distributed computing including but not limited to:

Algorithms: resource-aware and power-efficient algorithms; real-time and fault-tolerant distributed/parallel algorithms; graph and network algorithms

Applications: numerical and scientific applications with multi-level parallelism; applications with computations over irregular domains; models and methods to enhance functional/non-functional application characteristics

Data-centric Processing: scientific workflows; large-scale data processing; large-scale data management; scalable and next-generation storage systems; I/O performance tuning, benchmarking, and middleware; FAIR/open data systems

Distributed AI: Federated Learning; Distributed Learning; AI at scale; training of LLMs; benchmarking for AI workloads 

Distributed Computing: cluster, grid, fog/edge, mobile and cloud systems; Service-oriented processing; stochastic and approximate computing; cost, security, energy, and other non-functional requirements models and frameworks

Parallel Computing: accelerator-based systems inc. GPU, FPGA, neuromorphic, and post-CMOS devices; embedded parallel systems; dependability, survivability, and fault-tolerance; methodologies, benchmarking/metrics, and performance analysis and tools

Programming Models and Tools: programming languages, compilers, middleware, and OS; libraries, runtime, and systems software; notations; performance prediction and analysis; simulation and modeling of parallel/distributed systems

HPC state of practice: Managing systems and storage; managing facilities; HPC project management; moving, managing and sharing data HPC in the cloud; networking and cybersecurity; HPC training and education strategies; application workflows; system benchmarking

Systems and Architectures: high data throughput and streaming architectures; memory organization; service-oriented architectures; heterogeneous and hybrid systems; resource management; post-CMOS architectures including quantum, neuromorphic, and others

The conference will feature contributed and invited talks. Co-located Special Sessions are also planned as usual for PDP. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-09-01
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