Conference Information
ICCCA 2022: IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation Date: |
2022-08-16 |
Notification Date: |
2022-09-16 |
Conference Date: |
2022-12-16 |
Location: |
Online |
Years: |
7 |
Viewed: 14117 Tracked: 4 Attend: 1
Call For Papers
Original contributions based on the results of research and developments are solicited. Prospective authors are requested to submit their papers in not more than 6 pages, prepared in the two column IEEE format. All the accepted and presented papers will be eligible for submission to IEEE HQ for publication in the form of e-proceedings in IEEE Xplore Which indexed with world’s leading Abstracting & Indexing (A&I) databases, including ISI / SCOPUS/ DBLP/ EI-Compendex / Google Scholar. AS IEEE IAS is the financial sponsor of the conference, All presented papers will be eligible for Submission to IEEE IAS Transaction for further review (subject to IAS related Tracks). Few Selected extended papers will also be published in the Special Issue on SCI, Scopus Indexed Journals. List of said journals will be communicated to author after uploading their paper in IEEE Xplore. Papers for presentations should conform to the IEEE format and specifications. All submissions must be in English only. Authors are invited to submit full paper (Maximum 6 pages, double- column US letter size) as PDF using the IEEE templates. The IEEE paper template can be downloaded from the link given below. IEEE Format. We welcome submissions for ICCCA's technical program in the following areas and not limited to: Track 1: Data Science & Engineering Big Data Analytics High Performance Computing Computational Biology & Bioinformatics Data Centric Programming Data Modeling & Semantic Engineering Data, Text, Web Mining, & Visualization Domain Specific Data Management Knowledge Engineering Track 2: Computing Technologies Algorithms Programming Languages Computing Architectures and Systems Computer Graphics, Vision and Animation Software and Database System Multimedia Engineering Networks, IoT and Cyber Security Cluster, Cloud, & Grid Computing Track 3: Computational Intelligence Data Mining Neural Networks and Deep Learning Meta heuristic algorithms Machine Learning Business Intelligence Human Computer Interface Crowd Sourcing & Social Intelligence Track 4: Communication & Networking Green Communications Wireless Communications and Networks Optical Communications and Networks Modulation and Coding Techniques Ad-hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks Vehicular Networks Cellular Networks Track 5: Signal & Image Processing Image / Video / Multimedia Signal Processing Audio / Speech / Spoken Language Processing Digital & Multirate Signal Processing Signal Processing Algorithms and Architectures Pattern Recognition and Object Tracking Compressive Sensing and High-Dimensional Statistics Track 6 : Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization Data Based Control and AI Decision Support Systems Distributed Control Systems Engineering Applications on Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization Evolutionary Computation and Control Fuzzy Control Genetic Algorithms Hybrid Learning Systems Hybrid Systems Intelligent Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Prognostics Knowledge-Based Systems Applications Machine Learning in Control Applications Networked Control Neural Networks Based Control Systems Optimization Algorithms Planning and Scheduling Soft Computing Software Agents for Intelligent Control Systems Track 7 : Robotics and Automation Autonomous Agents Cognitive Approach for Robotics Collective and Social Robots Control and Supervision Systems Drones and Internet of Things for Surveillance Engineering Applications on Robotics and Automation Guidance, Navigation and Control Human-Machine Interfaces Humanoid Robots Human-Robots Interfaces Image Processing Industrial Networks and Automation Integration of Drones and UV-C Lights for COVID-19 Disinfection Intelligent Transportation Technologies and Systems Mechatronics Systems Mobile Robots and Intelligent Autonomous Systems Modelling, Simulation and Architecture Network Robotics Perception and Awareness Robot Design, Development and Control Space and Underwater Robots Surveillance, Fault Detection and Diagnosis Telerobotics and Teleoperation Vehicle Control Applications Virtual Environment, Virtual and Augmented Reality Vision, Recognition and Reconstruction Nonlinear Signals and Systems Optimization Problems in Signal Processing Real-Time Systems Control Sensors Fusion Signal Reconstruction System Identification System Modelling Time-Frequency Analysis Track 8: Power, Energy and Power Electronics Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Renewable Energy Sources and Technology High Voltage Engineering, HVDC-FACTS Switching Circuits & Power Converters Power System Monitoring, Control and Protection Micro Grids& Distributed Generation Control Communication and Monitoring of Smart Grid Energy Storage System Papers from other topics relevant to conference theme or the special sessions are also welcome. Submission of papers shall be through conference website, Paper Submission.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-03-05
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Abstract and Applied Analysis | Hindawi | 1085-3375 | ||
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Bioprinting | Elsevier | 2405-8866 | ||
c | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters | 4.000 | IEEE | 1545-598X |
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Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
IET Communications | 1.500 | IET |
Applied Intelligence | 3.400 | Springer |
Applied Artificial Intelligence | Taylor & Francis | |
Abstract and Applied Analysis | Hindawi | |
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments | MIT Press | |
Annals of Operations Research | 4.400 | Springer |
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling | 2.700 | Elsevier |
Bioprinting | Elsevier | |
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters | 4.000 | IEEE |
Cognition | 2.800 | Elsevier |