Conference Information
CACD 2018: Academic Conference on Advanced Computing and Defense Technology
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Hangzhou, China
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Call For Papers
Advanced computing and defense technology is a strategic frontier technology in the field of network information technology, which is of great significance to promote economic and social development and national defense security. At the International Summit on Computer Architecture (ISCA) in 2018, Turing Prize winners John Hennessy and David Patterson predicted that information architecture would enter a new golden age of development, in which dedicated architectures and hardware-software co-design, neural network accelerators, architecture-level security, RISC-V and agile development would become the important development directions. Inspired by the phenomenon of "mimicry" in the biological world, Academician Wu Jiangxing of Chinese Academy of Engineering has put forward "structure adaptive application"-mimic computing technology and "structure decides security"- Mimic Defense Technology in recent years, and has made breakthroughs in theory, technology and application in the aspects of computing architecture and security.

The Academic Conference on Advanced Computing and Defense Technology is funded by the innovation research group project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), "Basic Theoretical Research of Cyberspace Imitative Defense" and the National Key R&D Project "Research on Technical Mechanism of Cyberspace Imitative Defense". It discusses advanced computing technologies such as Mimic Computing and the latest development trend of advanced defense technology such as Mimic Defense. The conference is aimed to show the latest academic research results, which has invited several top experts and scholars to make special reports, provide academic exchange platform for researchers and departments engaged in relevant research in the industry, and accelerate the development of related fields.

Topics of interest (including but not limited to the following areas)

(1) dedicated architecture and hardware / software co-design

It mainly includes new computational architectures for high-performance computing (such as mimic computing, software defined computing, etc.) and special architectures for neural networks, graph computing and other special fields or applications, including special domain architectures, special domain programming languages and compilers, software and hardware co-design methods taking into account both architecture and language.

(2) neural network accelerator

It mainly includes DNN reasoning acceleration, pulse neural network, DNN training acceleration, GAN acceleration, the programming Abstract model, programming language and compiler construction of neural network accelerator, and the design, optimization and

implementation of physical system based on accelerator, the standardization or open source of neural network accelerator.

(3) architecture level security

It mainly includes mimic defense, mobile target defense, software definition security, artificial intelligence-driven security, micro-isolation technology and other new security technologies; software and hardware design security technology, security-oriented architecture design method, security performance quantitative analysis, performance and security of the joint optimization; network information system. Architecture model design, security technology application, performance analysis and test evaluation.

(4) RISC-V and agile development

It mainly includes RISC-V-based architecture design, hardware accelerator design, efficient and scalable simulation environment construction; RISC-V-based tool chain and its applications in different fields such as simulator, encryption, and digital signal processing.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-09-14
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