Conference Information
ICSI 2025: International Conference on Swarm Intelligence
Submission Date:
2025-03-31 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Yokohama, Japan
Viewed: 21603   Tracked: 5   Attend: 4

Call For Papers

    Swarm intelligence optimization theories
    Swarm computing
    Swarm emulation
    Natural computing
    Evolutionary computing
    Social evolution
    Cooperative theories
    Optimization theories
    Immune system theory
    Multi-agent system theories
    Reinforcement learning
    Swarm Robotics
    Evolutionary learning
    Collective intelligence
    Social intelligence


    PSO algorithms
    ACO algorithms
    Fireworks algorithms
    Fish school search
    Bees algorithms
    ABC algorithms
    BSO algorithms
    Cultural algorithms
    Social computing
    Genetic algorithms
    Differential evolution
    Memetic algorithms
    Bioinspired algorithm
    Cuckoo / Firefly / Bat / Pelican Algorithms
    Biogeography-based Optimization
    Evolutionary strategy
    Evolutionary Learning systems
    GPU Computing
    Other swarm-based algorithms


    Swarm models
    Swarm cooperation
    Multi-agent systems
    AIS system
    Evolv. intelligent agents
    Analytic models of emergent behaviors
    Evolving fuzzy system
    Evolving neural nets
    Artificial life
    Bio-inspired computing models
    Socio-inspired computing models
    Routing and scheduling
    MOO, Many-OO
    Constrained OP
    Dynamic OP
    Combinatorial OP
    GPU Parallelization
    Other swarm-based systems

Emerging Areas	

    Large language models
    Swarm intelligence & evolutionary computing for large language model optimization
    Large language model based evolution computation
    Large language model based swarm intelligence
    Large language model based multi-agent systems
    Molecular computing
    DNA computing
    Quantum computing
    Granularity computing
    Deep computing
    Pervasive computing
    Cloud computing


    UAV control
    Swarm cooperation
    Automatic control
    Intelligent transport
    Information security
    Machine learning
    Image Processing
    Image Recognition
    Neural Network
    Robotic manipulator
    Cognitive robots
    Virtual swarms
    AR+VR techniques
    Underwater vehicles
    Automatic driving
    Internet+ techniques
    Data mining
    Other SI applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-03-02
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