Conference Information
FMEC 2025: International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing
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Tampa, Florida, USA
Viewed: 16838   Tracked: 4   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
We are pleased to invite you to submit original contributions to FMEC 2025 via the official submission system at This can include, technical and experimental, theoretical, conceptual, or a survey. All submissions will be peer-reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity. but are not limited to the following topics:

    AI in Autonomous Urbanism
    Fog and Mobile Edge Computing in unmanned aerial vehicle communications and applications
    Fog and Mobile Edge Computing in mission-critical systems
    Intelligent Transportation Systems
    Edge-cloud computing architectures, frameworks and platforms
    Edge-cloud networking and communication
    Quality of Service (QoS) improvement techniques
    Network virtualization for Edge-to-cloud systems
    FMEC and IoT Data Communication Protocols
    Industrial Fog and Mobile Edge Computing Applications
    Mobile Cloud Computing Systems and Applications
    FMEC in Environmental Sustainability
    Trustworthy AI for Edge and Fog Computing
    Security and Privacy in Fog and Mobile Edge Computing
    Decentralized Data Management and Streaming Systems in FMEC
    Data storage, processing, and management at FMEC platform
    Federated learning and distributed machine learning in the fog and on the edge
    5G and fog/edge computing
    Middleware and runtime systems for fog/edge infrastructures
    Energy-efficient fog/edge computing
    Edge/fog-to-cloud APIs and protocols
    Mobility, connectivity, heterogeneity support for edge/fog services
    Load balancing/scheduling in fog/edge computing
    Crowdsourcing and establishing trust on data sources
    Decision support systems for Edge-cloud computing
    AI-based or data-driven orchestration of workflows in Edge computing
    Automatic reasoning, scheduling and deployment of workflows and services in Edge computing
    Distributed management of Edge computing
    Mechanisms and data structures for the governance of Edge computing
    Interfaces, orchestration and optimization of the Networking-Computing continuum
    In-network computing for the edge-cloud continuum
    Novel programming models for Edge computing
    Dynamic Edge/Fog environments
    Automatic deployment and continuous dynamic composition of Edge services
    Semantic annotation of Edge/Fog services
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-11-06
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