Conference Information
SSSCC 2019: European Smart Sustainable and Safe Cities Conference
Submission Date:
2018-12-01 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Budapest, Hungary
Viewed: 12487   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
List of Topics

The conference will provide an excellent platform on research field of smart sustainable and safe cities for knowledge exchange between researchers, scientists, academicians and engineers working in the areas listed here (but not limited):

    Computer applications
    Technologies for smart cities
    Smart cities management
    Cyber physical systems
    Algorithms, agents, simulation and prediction, software engineering
    Best practices for smart cities transformation
    RFID based control system for smart city transportation
    Intelligent transportation systems and technologies
    Self Driving Cars
    Computer-based systems for smart cities
    Intelligent computing systems
    Robotics applications in smart cities
    Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space
    Robot System Integration in Human Life
    Human-Robot Interaction
    Human Centered Systems
    Swarm Robotics, Cloud Robotics
    Flying Robots
    Cloud Robotics
    Autonomous Unmanned Air Vehicles
    Intelligent manufacturing and automation
    Artificial intelligence
    Applications of artificial intelligence in smart cities
    Sensors, networks, smart and emerging technologies
    Smart city system security and privacy
    Urban computing for smart cities
    Smart city big data and open data
    Smart city sensing and Internet of Things
    City environment monitoring and analysis
    City emergency management and infrastructures
    Critical Infrastructure Protection
    Control network and SCADA security
    Factory 4.0
    Smart cities are energy efficient cities
    Smart Materials and systems for smart cities
    Embedded systems
    Cloud computing
    Industrial electronics
    Computational intelligence
    Information engineering
    Network & communication technologies
    Signal & image processing
    Trusted computing & secure systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-11-11
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