Journal Information
IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation |
2771-9626 |
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Call For Papers
IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation is a rigorously peer-reviewed journal disseminating relevant knowledge and developments in the organization and structure of rapidly evolving multi-energy supply and demand systems. It publishes articles on energy system frameworks, policies, and regulations, such as multi-tier energy market structures, pricing policies, and auction rules. The Journal promotes the decarbonization of supply, distribution, and demand in multi-energy systems, and drives robust and sustainable investments in resilient and green energy systems considering all stakeholders’ needs. Published articles are supported by detailed engineering, economic and policy analyses and assessments of the topics discussed, based on relevant principles, models, techniques and tools. Topics within the journal scope: Energy Markets: Economics and assessment of energy markets Design, clearing, pricing and settlement of markets for energy, capacity, flexibility and ancillary services Interactions between markets Economics of renewables, demand response and storage Retail electricity markets Retail tariff design Peer-to-peer and local trading Market participation, market power and market monitoring Congestion management and redispatch Risk management Impact on energy markets of environmental policies such as constraints, emissions trading, and renewables support mechanisms Investments in market assets Bidding strategies Energy finance Emissions trading Water/energy nexus Energy Policy: Policies of rural electrification, microgrids and rural development Net-zero economics and policy Energy, climate, and environmental justice Impacts of society-scale electrification on the electric power sector Incentives for system development Impact assessments of energy policies Multi-energy systems and market coupling Policies to support innovations in the energy sector Development of data and scenarios for system expansion Regulation: Network cost allocation and tariff design Regulation of network monopolies Rate design and Incentive regulation Cost-benefit analysis of network investments Impact assessments of regulations Market power and market monitoring Transmission and distribution expansion and planning Integrated resource planning Economics of reliability and resiliency. Examples of topics out-of-scope: Papers whose primary focus is the development of an analysis or optimization technique and address energy markets, policy, and regulation issues only in an incidental manner.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-26
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